According to the Global Hygiene Council, 59 percent of surfaces in the home can be contaminated with the flu virus which, surprisingly, can survive for up to 48 hours.
So how do you deal?
First off, wash your hands often and wash them properly, says the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. It might sound simplistic, but hand washing is actually the most effective way to stay healthy, but only if done right. So use regular soap and water, scrub your hands front and back and in between and under the nails, for 20 seconds.
Also remind your kids to seeze and cough into the crux of their elbow and to keep their hands away from their eyes, nose, and mouth.
Disinfecting is also an important component in fighting the flu and staying healthy. Kids, after all, can touch and retouch more than 300 surfaces in just 30 minutes. (Scary, right?) So parents need to protect against the spread of germs by cleaning commonnly touch surfaces and objects with a disinfectant like Lysol Disenfectant Spray. And if you stay on top of cleaning and disenfecting, you stand a pretty good chance of killing any cold and flu bacteria before the germs have time to get you and your family sick.
Instead of waiting for the first sign of sniffles and body aches, make an appointment now to talk with your doctor to find out if you and your family members are good candidates for the flu vaccine (I get mine every year now that I have a daughter and young nephews!) and learn about over-the-counter medicines and (my fave) alternative remedies.
You also can stock up on items such as tissues, vitamin C, throat lozenges, hand sanitizer and disinfectant spray. Keep them in one handy place to make illness prevention even easier.
And, says Dr. Jim Sears, co-author of The Healthiest Kid in the Neighborhood, excercise, sufficient sleep, and good nutrition can go a log way in preventing the flu. A healthy diet packed with vitamins and nutrients and foods that boost the immune system like fish, citrus fruits and leafy veggies are highly recommended to stay healthy.
These are all great tips of course, but what busy mom doesn't need just a little bit of help? Would a designer diaper bag full of flu-fighting goodies be a welcome addition in your home? Yep, I figured as much.
To kick of Flu season, I've got one berrie sweet giveaway to announce for a Fight the Flu kit valued at $200.00!
One lucky winner will get:To enter, leave me a berrie (read: comment) sharing your families traditional and alternative flu-fighting tips by midnight, EST, on October 31.
* A JP Lizzy diaper bag withg a removable liner to keep kids safe on public changing tables.
* A portable disinfectant spray
* Hand sanitizer
* Vitamin C
* Digital thermometer
* iPod Shuffle and an iTunes gift card to encourage activity
* Copy of the 70-page book Looking After You and Your Baby
* Tips from pediatrician Dr. Jim Sears who is also the co-host of the new show The Doctors premiering this fall on CBS and his book “The Healthiest Kid in the Neighborhood”
Additional extra entries are also available if you:
* subscribe to my RSS feed and comment letting me know you did so.
* Blog about the contest and link to the giveaway.
* Non-bloggers can email three of their friends about the contest and CC me on the email. Girl Scout's honor that I will never bother these sweet people. I promise!
* Grab my button and place it on your sidebar, linking to Berrie Sweet Picks. (I'll check!)
* You also can snag an extra entry by grabbing the Fight the Flu button on your blog for the duration of the contest! (I'll get the code up ASAP!)
* Follow me on Twitter! (nickname: berriesweetest)
Please note all entries MUST include a valid email address to be considered for the drawing! That means that well, all entries must include an email address to be considered valid. Simple enough, right? ;)
I'll randomly pick one name at the end of the contest and post their name to PRIZEYWinners and on my sidebar. The winner has 4 days from the announcement date to contact me, or an alternate winner will be selected.
And sorry to my international readers, but this giveaway is open only to US and Canadian entries.
Good luck and stay healthy! You also can get more flu fighting tips at Lysol.com.
1 – 200 of 427 Newer› Newest»We try to keep ourselves as healthy as possible by staying hydrated and getting good sleep, etc. That way your body is more likely to be able to fight possible sickness!
I have your Fight the Flu button on my blog:Here
I am a subscriber!
I blogged about this giveaway:Here
I am a subscriber!
I am following you on Twitter.
Username: wastebasket
I'd love to win this great prize! And I already subscribed to your RSS feed so I could see when you have a brand new giveaway up! What we do to fight germs: have a big bottle of Germ-X sitting on the counter when we have a large crowd in for a meal. It works better than having to wait for 20 people to go in the bathroom and wash their hands...and who wants to announce to grown-ups to please go wash up? So...having a bottle of sanitizer out and starting the ball rolling by having folks see our family go first, they mostly all follow suit. Result: all clean hands to handle the utensils in the buffet line!
Our families biggest flu fighting tip is hand sanitizer. I have it everywhere the car, my diaper bag, home - and use it a lot during flu season! Thanks for the chance to win!
Wash hands! I actually don't "feel clean" when using just hand sanitizer. One of my flu "remedies" to ease congestion is a little device called the Neti Pot. Check it out!
onlycancan at hotmail dot com
We try to stay healthy by handwashing, not sharing any bodily fluids (cover yo' mouth!!) and taking our vitamins.
We drink a lot of water/fluids, and take vitamin C tablets. When we feel like it's necessary, we also get flu shots. :)
laurachilton {at} hotmail {dot} com
Your button is on my sidebar, yay!
laurachilton {at} hotmail {dot} com
Am emailing 3 friends, thanks!
laurachilton {at} hotmail {dot} com
I'm following you on twitter! LauraCh
laurachilton {at} hotmail {dot} com
What a great prize to giveaway. Thanks for the chance. We have two little ones and this would come in handy.
I subscribe.
Our habits include: proper rest, washing hands and/or using hand sanitizer often, taking chewable vitamin C tablets, lots of fluids, etc.
gotfire [at] yahoo dot com
We wash hands constantly...
Our ways of staying healthy are going walking(if it's cold we walk in the mall), we have hand sani everywhere, I drink lots of water and I love the Naked juices as a way to get vitamins!
I sanitize, sanitize, sanitize! Doorknobs, toys are washed weekly, the general housekeeping...plus I preach about washing hands to my kids all the time! Thanks for this fabulous giveaway!
I have your button on my sidebar!
I follow you on twitter...I'm Seeryus.
I'm a subscriber via google reader.
I've got the fight the flu button on my blog too!!
Well, the main thing we do to keep the germies away is wash, wash, wash our hands! Plenty of sleep helps a whole lot too.
frog123 (at) cyipcom (dot) net
I follow you on Twitter! (Mama_Bird)
We pretty much just try to avoid large groups of kids or places where a lot of kids play inside.
The most important tip for avoiding the flu is to wash your hands frequently. It is a lot harder with small kids, they are more susceptible to germs. One thing we make sure we do is to drink a lot of Orange juice or eat oranges and anything with lots of vitamin C. Chicken soup is served more in the flu season at our home which seems to help fight off the flu.
kenzkween at hotmail dot com
your button is in my blog roll!
kenzkween at hotmail dot com
I am following you on twitter!
username: themamahood
kenzkween at hotmail dot com
I added your FLU button too!
kenzkween at hotmail dot com
My family tries to avoid too much medication and just load up on Vit C (lots of orange juice!) and make sure to get plenty of rest and not overexert ourselves too much.
fertawert AT yahoo DOT com
This is our first flu season with a little one so I'm sure I will be super paranoid. I wash my hands constantly anyway so I could only imagine how I am going to be. And we will be staying away from sick people.
livlifelov at yahoo dot com
I'm following you on twitter as valmg
My youngest gets the flu shot.
Whenever I feel any type of cold or whatever coming on I start drinking lots of oj, partly for the vitamin C and partly because the acid will burn the germs off of my throat. I also drink lots of chicken boullion because it's warm and soothing and the salt numbs the throat. And I keep lots of tissues with lotion around. I dress appropriately inside and out as well.
Maintaining a healthy immune system is the best defense IMO. That's done by eating healthy foods, getting enough water, rest, and sunlight . . . just basic good living! If anyone's sick or run down we all drink echinacea tea to get the extra immune boost.
The major thing we practice is washing our hands. Also we wipe down carts when shopping. Of course we get flu shots too which can help. Great giveaway!
ladeebug224 at hotmail dot com
Washing hands (with soap) is rule #1 in our hands. I use the anti-bacterial wipes in my kitchen and when it doesn't rain I would open up the windows in the house to get some fresh air in the house.
Thanks for this great giveaway!
ann dot guns at mac dot com
I'm a subscriber.
ann dot guns at mac dot com
We wash our hands so much they dry out! I make the kids sing Happy Birthday twice (three times if they're really dirty) while they're washing.
I *LOVE* Lysol. I spray everything with it, especially door knobs, light switches, toilet handles and faucets.
Our family swears by a product called Zinc Lozenges Plus that we buy at the local health food store. At the first sign of a cold we start taking them. We also wash our hands often and keep hand sanitizer on us for times when we aren't near a sink.
I already subscribe to your feed. laylarenee[at]cfl.rr.com
What a great giveaway! Wow!
We use hand sanitizer, wash our hands often, take extra vitamin C during flu season, use echinacea as well, and try to get good rest and plenty of water. We usually stay pretty healthy this way.
I'm going to go find you on Twitter now!!
Washing hands, sanitizing everything, extra C and echinacea, sleep and water... all seem to keep us healthy!
What a great giveaway!
I'm a subscriber with my Google reader.
I'm following you on Twitter.
Honestly, we get good and germy to build up resistance to disease! None of us ever get sick! My daughter has never had even a cold! Fingers crossed!
we keep our hands clean and wipe down counters, chairs handles with lysol wipes
I subscribed!
not leaving the house for a couple of months! just joking. fastidious hand-washing, mostly.
Ever since EVERYONE in my home had the flu at the same time and we had to have my mother in law come over and take care of us we have since got the flu shot every year (except one year when we couldn't afford it).
I'm always wiping things down and discinfecting whatever I can whenever I can.
I spray the cabinet handles, door handles, phone, remotes and such with Lysol.
I make sure the kids wash their hands a lot. I also make sure they sneeze into their elbows.
I make sure they get plenty of sleep, vitamin C and other vital vitamins. If I know someone has the flu I keep them FAR away from that person.
I make sure they drink plenty of fluids and eat well too so that their bodies are in tip top shape.
Thanks for a wonderful giveaway.
HunnyV "at" Optonline "dot" net
I forgot to add that I have you button on my blog, shescribes "dot" com.
HunnyV "at" Optonline "dot" net
We wash our hands frequently and use hand sanitizer when H20 and soap are not available. We exercise, eat right and drink plenty of fluids.
I also give my kids multi-vitamins (for children) every morning.
treflea4 at gmail dot com
We wash hands like crazy!!! I will say this. Last year I got the flu & my kids had had their shots & the Dr told me the shot they gave out last year was ineffective cuz they left a strain out. NICE! Anyway, we won't be wasting our time w/ flu shots this year so this alternative kit will be lovely!
Flu shot, Germ-X, lots of hand-washing.
Ester C supplements, decreased dairy, fresh air, good rest, bananas,.....and if we start to show symptoms we use Wisdom of the Age's Liquid Advantage...it has grapefruit seed extract and hides well in grapejuice.
Amazing contest! Thank you for hosting it!
I try to run a humidifier as often as possible, and of course we wash hands and get flu shots!
urchiken at gmail dot com
For my family the way we stay healthy is eating healthy fresh food, keeping ourselves and our home clean, and exercising.
janetfaye (at) gmail (dot) com
I am subscribed,
janetfaye (at) gmail (dot) com
Fight the Flu button is on my sidebar:
janetfaye (at) gmail (dot) com
I follow you on twitter, my username is janetfaye
janetfaye (at) gmail (dot) com
I encourage frequent hand washing. Working in the medical field I wash my hands many times a day. Annual flu shots and avoiding crowded places.
I am a subscriber
Eating healthy, drinking lots of water, and getting enough sleep are the three main things, and exercise is good, too.
Great giveaway!!
Thanks so much!
Michele R.(CA)
I'm a subscriber!!
Thanks so much!
Michele R.(CA)
I emailed three people and CC'd you the email, but I'm not sure if the email I used is the correct one. I sent it to berriesweet.info@gmail.com. If this is not the correct email, would you please let me know so I can email it correctly?
Thanks so much!
Michele R.(CA)
flu shot is a must!
3beez at bellsouth dot net
We get a flu shot each year - but 3 members of our extended family had influenze last year including a baby. Scarry stuff! Do everything you can to keep your family healthy!
We always get a flu shot, and I rinse my sinuses with warm saline.
Lots of Vitamin C and hand sanitizergkstratos@yahoo.com
We always get the flu shot and we take vitamin c. We use a lot of purell. Thanks for the chance.
Your button is on my sidebar. Thanks!
I subscribe to your feed. Thanks!
I'm a subscriber.
We try to remember to wash our hands often, get enough rest and fresh air, and take our vitamins and eat well. Thanks for the giveaway!
ladyufshalott at yahoo.com
We get the Flu Shot every year, and I carry around great smelling hand sanitizer. Thanks for the contest. Charlotte
Drinking lots of water, eating a balanced diet, and getting a good night's sleep works well for our family.
We try to stay healthy by proper hand washing,drinking lots of water,having extra vitamin C,and getting extra rest. The adults also always get a flu shot.
Elaine R
Chicken Soup.
I follow you on twitter. Kritta22
I have your button!
We try to drink as much water as possible in a day. i went and bought big cups so we would drink more.
It's funny that I'm sitting here battling a cold right now. What I try to do when I'm sick is drink lots of water. I can kind of feel my kidneys working to rid my body of the sickness. Also, ever since I became a vegetarian 15 years ago, I find that I don't get sick as much, and when I do I get better in less time. Go figure!
Our family drinks plenty of water,eats plenty of fruit, and always wash hands. CoCo540(at) yahoodotcom
avoid sick folks.
The other year I stayed sick with difference illnesses. So I try to do much as I can to keep from getting sick after that one year. ~lol~ We keep ourselves healthy by drinking plenty of water, praying,
using hand santiziers, drinking herbal vaccine tea, etc. I also went vegetarian and it seems like that helped dramatically.
lilacbutterfly [at] earthlink.net
Eat healthy, OJ, Flu Shot and lots of water an hand washing....
I put the flu button on my sidebar too, thanks! laurachilton {at} hotmail {dot} com
wash our hands all the time, if one of the kids or adults feels even a little yucky they must play in their room, lots of tangerine juice
tvollowitz at aol dot com
I've got nothing new to add - really. I will give a tip for those parents with preschool-aged children and younger siblings. When we pick up our daughter she gets the full wipe-down, to help alleviate some of those germs she's (inevitably) bringing home to her little brother.
eat healthy, fruits and yogurt
Wash our hands frequently, drink lots of water and fluids, chicken soup and zinc lozenges. Thank you!
Being the mom to a former 28 weeker I am very big on washing hands when you enter my house and then even put on hand sanitizer. No one visits who has a cold.
Wash those hands, and get a flu shot! Thanks!
Thank you so much for this great giveaway. What a wonderful prize. We try to fight off sickness by first encouraging our kids and ourselves to wash hands often. Especially when the kids come home from school.
We also have taught the kids to cough into their arms and not thier hands. This, I think helps too.
We try to get enough sleep and to eat well.
Whenever we visit the doctors office, we also tell the kids to wash their hands, right before we leave.
Thanks so much for this great giveaway.
I get fanatical about hand washing. We also drink more OJ than usual during cold & flu season.
Great giveaway~thank you!
we wash our hands alot, avoid sick people and get a flu shot
Plenty of sleep,lots of handwashing and I tell my grandkids all the time cover your mouth when you cough.
I'm subscribed
Getting the flu shot is a must, and drinking orange juice to make sure we get enough vitamin C. Also, lots of handwashing.
We do handwashing, and carry antimicrobial gel with us
We drink lots of water and we eat as many veggies adn fruit as we do in the summer!
karissag [at]gmail.com
We are always washing hands to keep the germs to a minimum! But I also think getting enough sleep and eating healthy keep your immune system at it's peak!
I subscribe to your feed with google reader!
We stay healthy with eating as many veggies as we go in the summer (that goes for fruit too) and drinking lots of water. resting helps too!
karissag [at]gmail.com
I really can follow directions.
following you on twitter!
karissag [at]gmail.com
karissag [at]gmail.com
have your button on my blog!
karissag [at]gmail.com
We try to stay rested and wash our hands before eating!
oreo89 [at] gmail [dot] com
and now I have your FLU giveaway button up!
karissag [at]gmail.com
thanks for the chance.
I wash my hands, drink my oj, eat right, and stay away from sick people.
I drink a lot of water and eat a lot of garlic, I nurse my baby, giving him my antibodies and my husband although he works swing shift, comes home and plays video games and eats junk food and only drinks soda and Hawaiian Punch mysteriously gets sick as rarely as I do and only for very short periods. Not sure what his secret is! I guess video games and junk food may be considered untraditional!
Cover your mouth when you cough and / or nose when you sneeze.
amy in kamloops@ gmail. com
I am a subscriber.
Handwashing and more handwashing, hand sanitizer, and breastfeeding to protect the baby :-)
I am neurotic almost about spraying things with Lestoil during that flu season. I was reading the other day how ones keyboard is probably more germ laden than just about anything in our home.
Grab the disinfectant!
I've added the button to my sidebar!
I subscribed with my trusty Google Reader!
we wash our hands continually and take vitamin c and a flu shot doesnt hurt!
rebbi511 at peoplepc.com
We like to use a lot of echinacea when we get colds/flus... but we also double up on vitamins and keep warm.
we get the flu shot, wash our hands a ton
whats better than washing your hands?
i also take a C&E combo and 3000 mg of garlic..thanx
Our family makes sure our hands are washed frequently
We make sure we get enough sleep , wash hands , and take vitamin C.
I take a multivitamin plus a Vitamin C pill everyday, plus I aim to keep my immune system healthy by eating 9 servings of fruits and vegetables per day.
Drink or Die.
An ounce of booze a day keeps the doctor away.
I wash my hands a hundred times a day, in my opinion its the best way not to spread germs.
Washing hands is a contant in our house. We also do not put fingers in our mouths. Towels and pillow cases are changes daily.
We wash our hands a lot.
I use a disinfecting spray on the phone, and we take vitamins.
Well liekevery other momma here, i sanatize EVERYTHING!
i have sanitizer in teh car even spray in the car, and in my stroller. washing hands and making sure my kids dont share anything, and wiping those boogers! lol i try my best its tough when u have twins or more than 1 child, usually if my daughter gets sick, my son does too.
yasmineo142 at hotmail.com
Honey and whiskey
I make sure my family takes lots of vitamin c. Lot of juice especialy in the winter. Wash hands often too.
wash hands, drink hot tea w/ honey
Along with getting the flue shot we try and use plenty of hand sanitizer.
We wash our hands a lot.
To fight the flu, we wash hands, eat lots of fruits and veggies and eat chicken soup regularly.
We try to wash our hands a lot and use hand sanitizer.
We try to was our hands a lot and use hand sanitizer.
I thought that I entered this, but I dont see my name... so here goes- My husband and I take echinasea to try and stay healthy and my daughter is an avid handwasher- She'd do it all day if I let her!!
We use lots of Germ-X and get plenty of vitamin c
Wash your hands often and use hand sanitizer.
let it runs its course and take cold pills
Most importantly is hand washine and next is a healthy lifestyle.
We do the best thing you can do to prevent getting sick, we open the windows up everday for about 30 minutes.
Golly, my dear caring Grandpa always fought our flu with a hot cup of his freshly squeezed, homemade lemonade into which he added a teaspoon of whiskey. Always did make us feel better! Probably because of his love!
Eat healthy well-balanced meals, wash your hands, and cover your mouth when you sneeze or cough!
We take lots of vitamin C and also will put a few drops of ALC in our juice or tea to help our immune systems.
plenty of water and same amount of rest..of course flu shots every season
Get a flu shot if available to you
Carry and use a disinfecting hand gel like Purell and use frequently especially when out in public places
same old washing and keeping things sanitary but we still get it
Keep ealthy, avoid crowds and wash hands
We drink OJ ever morning, take our vitamins, eat our veggies, and try to keep our hands clean.
traditional-wash hand as often as you can. Alternative-hand sanitizer (have a bunch all over the place)
am subscribed. thanks
have flu button on my sidebar at
have your button on my sidebar. thanks
We eat healthy, take our vitamins, drink oj and use loads of hand sanitizer. Thank you for the chance to win such a great prize!
I am a subscriber :)
I have your button on my blog :)
We get our flu shots, wash our hands and try not to pass the bug on to the next person.
Washing of hands religiously,
Daily vitamins.
Would love to win this.
And it is almost getting around the time to were we can say "Happy Holidays!"
So extra care, is what is needed for flu prevention!
Keep warm, and healthy, all!
Washing hands or using hand sanitizer often is a must-do in our family.
We make sure to take our vitamins, wash our hands often and always have a bottle of purel on hand!
Use alot of hand sanitizer.
Drinking a glass of orange juice each day will keep the flu away.
agsweeps [@] hotmail [.] com
I never leave the house without hand sanitizer.
We try to stay healthy by eating right and getting lots of rest. I am obsessive about handwashing and try to get my kids on board too!
We are firm believers in vitamin C, and have been for years. Also continual hand washing helps. We like Airborne and use it at the first sign of a cold or sniffles, or before and during flights for those of us (me) who seem to get sick after every trip!
guysrose at aol dot com
I have followed the rules of common sense and made sure we have washed our hands regularly and gotten a good night of sleep. What I have found is the power of positive thinking has been my best warrior, I simply do not even entertain the thought of getting sick and my husband and daughter are reminded of this by me and we usually slip by without getting sick.
We try to prevent catching whatever is going around by getting plenty of rest, drinking lots of fluids and eating well!
Wash your hands. Stay away from sick people. Eat well.
I keep hand sanitizer on me at all times as well as the kids. They ahve some for their backpack and some to keep in their desk!
hebert024 at aol dot com
what our family does is stay bundled up real well in the fall/winter, and if you shampoo your hair don't go outside.if you do get sick we would drink alot of castor oil and that will make it come out of you.
i am already a subscriber!!
yasmineo142 athotmail.com
i have your button already!!!
( i forgot what my last comment was, im also subscribed) i hope i didnt repeat myself
yasmineo142 athotmail.com
I blogged about it here:
Yasmineo142 athotmail.com
i have the fight the flu button on my blog as well!
yasmineo142 at hotmail.com
i cant have enough sanitizer,
my mp3 player has been destrpyed by my kids :s so i need an ipod so i can listen to music to zone my kids out :]~ i like reading so would be looking forward to reading Looking After You & Your Baby
we dress properly and wash our hands often. Also eating properly and getting enough sleep.
Lots of sleep, vitamans (especially drinking OJ!)and sanitizing our hands a lot (and of course lots of lysol on work phones... ick!) jeepcutie82 at msn dot com
We always wash our hands when we come into the house, that way germs from outside our house hopefully stay there!
-Give everyone their own tube of toothpaste!!
-Daily vitamins and echinacea at the first sign of illness.
-We go to the chiropractor to make sure our alignment doesn't affect our wellness.
healthy diets, plenty of sleep and vitamens work for us!
We wash our hand constantly - especially since i'm due in 3 weeks - I don't want to catch anything this close to my delivery.
Washing hands frequently, especially after being out in public is our main thing.
I encourage my daughter to wash her hands while singing her ABC's (great practice for the ABC's and hand washing is long enough!) I also give her Airborne pixies if she seems to be a bit rundown
Wash your hands and drink lots of orange juice!
kelli at pfrog dot net
I am not sure if this has been said...but if you are sick...stay home!!! I work in a preschool and we always get sick kids and teachers. No matter what stay home and help the spread of germs!
Cabbage soup, with lots of garlic! I don't know if it really helps, but when I have the flu, I'll try anything.
My favorite method for staying well and recovering from sickness is sleep. I've found that sleep can do wonders for me.
mathbook28 at gmail dot com
I'm a subscriber
jillandmike2{at} yahoo dot com
I love Purell, and I take zinc (with food or else!) at the 1st sign of anything-it shortens the duration of colds!
We take LOTS of vitamin c, use a neti pot and wash our hnads all day long!
tuesdayef at aol dot com
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