I love babywearing.
If there is one thing that you've picked up about me, it should be that very fact. And since discovering the ERGObaby Carrier, I love it even more. You can see me wax poetic about the many wonderous qualities the Ergo posesses here, but read on for a great Tuesday Ten interview with Karin Frost, president and designer of the ERGObaby Carrier.
Q.: So tell me a little about your company or product and the inspiration behind it.
A.: ERGObaby is a family-owned and operated company located in Maui, Hawaii. Our mission is to offer parents the most thoughtful, highest quality and most innovative baby carriers on the market
Q.: So many good ideas never get past the idea phase...how did you make your business/dream a reality?
A.: When I was pregnant in 2001, I was impressed by the Continuum Concept by Jean Liedoff and became convinced that carrying my baby was the best way to usher him into our world. I tried many different carrying devices, front packs, slings and backpacks. Each had its problems so I created a carrier that incorporated the elements necessary to carry my son for prolonged periods as his weight increased.
Q.: What sets your product or business apart from the rest? What's your "It" factor?
A.: I think that the ability to have a "hands free system" is our “It” factor. The baby can be carried in the front, back or hip position. We have an infant insert for newborns and the carriers can be used from infant through all the babywearing years. Our line of accessories complements the carrier’s versatility.
Q.: How did you come to decide to pursue your own business?
A.: As I began to develop the design, local parents would see me carrying my son and to ask me to make them a carrier. They in turn gave me feedback as I continued to perfect the design. I sewed the first 50 carriers myself before deciding to have them manufactured.
Q.: What's your favorite part of owning your business?
A.: Providing a carrier that allows parents to keep their babies close to their bodies and still have the flexibility of motion and use that so many of my peers were seeking. Educating parents about Babywearing, Attachment Parenting and related topics to improve the way our next generation of babies is introduced into the world.
Q.: Who's the brains behind the operation?
A.: My design background and creative ability is behind the company’s innovation and I am supported by committed customer service personnel and a dedicated staff that handles operations.
Q.: Secrets to success? Tips for making it through to tomorrow with our sanity intact? (read: how did you do it?)
A.: This is a daily challenge due to the fast paced growth of the company worldwide. Each day I have to carefully make choices that fill my personal needs, those of my son and my business. The business often takes priority and that is possible because my mother and father are principals in the business and live on the same property. I try to maintain a regular yoga practice and there is always a trip to the beach to reflect and reduce stress. I always take a family vacation once a year.
Q.: What press have you received since you started? What's the coolest, berrie sweetest press you have gotten to date? (answer carefully....*wink wink*!)
A.: Being selected in 2007 as one of Parenting Magazine’s Top 20 products of the last 20 years was a major highlight. We were also featured on the Today Show and the View.
Q.: Where can my readers find you online?
A.: www.ergobaby.com Our website includes more than just our products. Take a look at the photo gallery, product reviews, many testimonials and educational articles.
Q.: Berrie Blast (read: final thoughts)
A.: I see the practice of babywearing continuing to grow as an integral part of parent’s childrearing years. I foresee that research will document the long term benefits for children’s bodies, minds and spirits as well as those of their parents. I believe that the children who are now being carried will grow up and have the incentive to carry their children and babywearing will become indigenous in our culture as it was in past history. As president and designer, I have focused on our commitment to serve this rapidly expanding movement.
Next up is the genius mom behind Fuzzi Bunz, so be sure to come back next Tuesday!
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