Yes, I know it is Tuesday's post and therefore time for my Tuesday Ten feature, but I'm sure you'll all forgive me for rescheduling my interview for next week so you can WIN A HIGH CHAIR this week...
Am I guessing right? Yeah, I thought so...
So listen up, peeples. Up until now, I have actually tested each and every item I have reviewed and or offered up as a prize on Berrie Sweet Picks. This time, though, we're gonna go on faith. And since boon pretty much rocks, I'm sure this high chair rocks, too. (And I'm already jealous of whoever wins!)
Here are the specs on the goods: Boon's site says the Flair has a chemical resistant waterproof pad (nice...), a five-point restraining harness (really nice...), and an adjustable position, compact tray (yep, I want to have another baby just so I can buy one now!).
Also sounding pretty cool are the urethane castors that make it easy to slide the Flair anywhere without a scratch on your floor. Awesome!!! Oh, and dare I mention that this bad boy seats a child up to 4 years and 50 pounds?????
The Flair retails for $229.99 and comes in either blue and white or orange and white. ONE lucky winner gets to choose their color scheme when I randomy choose an entry at midnight, EST, on October 7. To enter, leave me a comment telling me why you would love to the Flair High Chair. You get an automatic extra entry if you thank boon in your comment for providing this awesome chair as a prize. Ready?? Thank you, boon!
Additional extra entries are also available if you:
* subscribe to my RSS feed and comment letting me know you did so.
* Blog about the contest and link to the giveaway.
* Non-bloggers can email three of their friends about the contest and CC me on the email. Girl Scout's honor that I will never bother these sweet people. I promise!
* Grab my button and place it on your sidebar, linking to Berrie Sweet Picks. (I'll check!)
* Follow me on Twitter! (nickname: berriesweetest)
Please note all entries MUST include a valid email address to be considered for the drawing! That means that well, all entries must include an email address to be considered valid. Simple enough, right? ;)
I'll pick one name at the end of the contest and post their name to PRIZEYWinners and on my sidebar. The winner has four days from the announcement date to contact me, or an alternate winner will be selected.
1 – 200 of 336 Newer› Newest»OH MY goodness! is this really available for a prize?! you are awesome, and boon is awesome!
I would LOVE to own this chair for my twins, i loved it from the first time i seen it. Well the chairs i have, only have a lap belt, which my kids BOTH climb out of, a few times i turned my back and both my son and daughter are standing up in their chairs, and my son has even climbed out of his and slid over onto his sisters tray and sat there! The harness on Flair wont allow them to climb out- whch is just what i need! I love the orange chair- i love the colors Boon uses, so simple, so fresh! Thanks for the give away!!
Yasmineo142 [at][hotmail][dot][com]
Thank you soo much Boon for sponsoring this giveaway, im sure MANY moms can use this chair- i know i can!!
Do we get an extra entry if we follow you on Blogger? Because I do!
Thank you Boon for this amazing prize!!!
I would love to win this for my family. We have a niece coming in November and I would either give this to my brother for them to use in their house. Or I would keep it here at our house for us. Most likely I would keep it for us because then we wouldn't have to spend any more money than is necessary. Money is very tight right now at our house and winning this prize would be just wonderful!
~Meredith F.
I really need this chair because we just don't have one! We have been looking for one that will be easy to use, easy to clean, and not take up the whole entire kitchen... this looks like it handles all those requirements!
And thanks to Boon for offering such a generous prize! Hope I win :)
I'm already subscribed to your RSS feed - that's how I saw this post this morning :)
I would love to win this because I am pregnant and need a high chair really bad. Thank you.
First, thank you Boon for the grat Prize: The Boon Flair High Chair. Great product reviews and check out these details:
Streamlined contemporary design
Effortless height adjustment
Glides smoothly in all directions
Fits easily under tables
Easy to clean, no cracks or crevices
Continuous height positioning
The Boon Flair High Chair is a parents dream and a child's delight, who would not one? I would want one for just the convenience, comfort and style! The talk of the babyhood!
Thank you again Boon and for the great blog and review.
amy in kamloops @ gmail. com
I would love the Flair chair because mine is old, and this one is beautiful! I love the orange one. Thanks Boon for the great highchair!
This is the coolest high chair I've ever seen. I'd love to win for my grandson. Thanks Boon for providing this prize!
Such a great chair !! I would love to win it - it would really fit with my modern decor :)
Thank you Boon for the great prize! I would love to give this to the grandparents since they watch my son during the day.
I'd love to have this high chair to give my son and daughter in law for their new baby. I am a subscriber. Thank you thank boon i for providing this chair as a prize.
Tristan has a highchair but boy, has that thing seen better days. Boon products are so sleek and stylish. This highchair would get alot of use at my house. Thank you Boon for providing such a great prize.
Thanks Boon for this crazy awesome giveaway!! Our highchair is 7 years old and baby #4 would love something new for her(more kids ya have more hand-me down..you know what I mean).
I've subscribed
I posted in my blog at
I added ur button at:
My best friends daughter is having a baby - what a great gift this would make. I didn't have any kids so love spoiling all my friends kids and now grandkids.
Thanks to Boon for offering this great prize.
What an incredible chair! Either one of my littlest boys would LOVE that chair not to mention their dad and me. The older two boys have really destroyed the old high chair over the years and this one goes great with our modern decor! It also looks SO easy to clean which is SO important with our boys.
Thank you for offering such an incredible prize and thank you Boon!
This would be so awesome! Thank you Boon!!! I would love this for my little girl. All she has is one o the high chairs that sits in an adult chair and it would be so nice to have a real high chair for her!
I love it. It looks so modern. I need it for my son since he can't sit still to eat.
Thank you Boon for such a great prize to be won.
I would like to win this because I have three kids who are all under the age of three, and I have never owned a high chair. I have always just fed them by having them sit on my lap. This was very awkward with my 2 1/2 yr old , and my 1 1/2yr old, so I would like to be able to feed my 6 mo old in style this time.
Thanks to Boon, because even if I don't win, it is still a wonderful prize for anyone to have, and not everyone can afford a high chair that is this nice.
Alicia Webster
Thanks for comeing up with a baby barber chair. No cuts for baby though. It's so cute.
Boon is the best! Boon! I love you! Thank you so much for a chance to win your most awesome highchair!
I would love to win this. My current highchair cost ten dollars. TEN! It is a piece of poo! It is basically the same design as a metal folding chair with super tall legs. Yeah! So safe! Not only can my 13 month old climb out of it, he can put his feet against the table and push the entire dining table (his back is against the wall so he won't tip himself over). I need some change in my life! Boon, take me away!!!
onlycancan at hotmail dot com
I just love Boon, we've bought several products from Boon but never the Highchair as it's above my budget. I would love to win one of these for my little girl. I think it's just fantastic, I love the colors, the simplicity, it's easy to clean, it's just fantastic!
Thanks for this great giveaway!
ann dot guns at mac dot com
I'm a subscriber.
ann dot guns at mac dot com
I blogged the totally awesome highchair giveaway: http://mygreening.blogspot.com/2008/09/go-win-high-chair.html
Your button is up at http://mygreening.blogspot.com
I would love to win this for a some friends of ours who are expecting their first in December. I think they'd love it!
Thank you Boon for such a great giveaway!
khmorgan_00 [at] yahoo [dot] com
I'm following you on twitter: MomMostTraveled!
I would love to have this for my grandson, It looks like a wonderful highchair.
I'm trying to have another baby after 12 years, and have gotten rid of all my baby stuff. I would love this!!
I would love to the Flair High Chair for my new little baby to grow into. I like the harness that keeps kids in & safe. I don't have a high chair bought at all and so this would make me & my hubby very happy to have! I love the colors! So funky!
I subscribed via bloglines to your post, too!
Thank you Boon for supplying such a great contest prize. I can't believe you are so generous! I would love to win this for our new granddaughter. She will be in a high chair in the next couple months. Thanks again, you are the best!
i would love to have this for my twins too...we have feeding seats that strap onto chairs and would love to have something that would free up one of those chairs for an adult to sit! and of course having a larger tray of a high chair would help too. i love the blue and white.
Thank yo Berrie Sweet and Boon for this great giveaway. I would love this for my grand-daughters. One is already in a high chair, but it's terrible for safety; she keeps climbing out and I am so afraid she'll fall and break her neck or tip it over and hit her head. The boon chair would be so much safer. The other grand-daughter is just now ready for a high chair too! I love that the boon high chair is so easy to clean and has the 5point harness, that it fits under the table so nicely so the little ones can join the family for meals instead of sitting off by themselves. And I love that the tray is adjustable. I so want this highchair for the babys.
Why would I want the Flair high chair? Why would I NOT? :) It's cool, it's modern, and I'm going to need one soon!
Thanks a million, Boon, for offering such a fantastic giveaway!!
frog123 (at) cyipcom (dot) net
Following you on Twitter! (Mama_Bird)
frog123 (at) cyipcom (dot) net
I could use this chair, it is so cool.
rebbi511 at peoplepc.com
We could really use this because we just moved into a new house with a new baby and we could use a new high chair. I love the orange and white color scheme.
Thank you, thank you, thank you Boon!
livlifelov at yahoo dot com
Thank you BOON! this High Chair is awesome! I want one for me! do you make them for adults? srsly, well sorta...
I would love it for the harness, and well for the decor too! I really want it because I would love to gift it to my friend, she is a loyal loving sweetheart that teaches underprivileged "acting out kids" in public schools and is getting ready to be a mom of her own for the first time at 36 and she deserves something special.
And thank you boon and berriesweetpicks again!
following you on twitter
I have your button!
Wow, this is an awesome prize! I would die of happiness if I won - THANK YOU, Boon, for providing this awesome high chair!
My daughter is just starting to eat solids and I'm seeing the need for a high chair in the not-so-distant future. We also live in an apartment and this looks like a space-saver! Thanks so much for the giveaway!
ladyufshalott at yahoo.com
I'd love to give it to my sister and watch her expression when she realizes it is for her and my nephew.
OMG, that is the coolest high chair I have ever seen. Thank you Boon for sponsioring this. I ould love to win this.
I'd love to have this because it's stylish and functional...and it looks much, much better than the one I have now. Thanks much Boon for sponsoring this giveaway.
This looks like a great high chair. I love it because it is safe, easy to clean and has an awesome design. It just looks neat!
got anothe rgrandkid on the way and could sure use this. thanks for the sweep and a chance to win!
Wow this would be so incredible to win!!! I need a nice highchair so badly!! Ours is old and gross. the decor is hideous and i have no clue how long she will even fit in it. Thank you Boon for this awesome giveaway!!!
ladeebug224 at hotmail dot com
My cousin who just had a girl would absolutely love me for this! :)
lilacbutterfly [at] earthlink.net
just found out I am pregnant this would be perfect to win.
Oh I'd love to win this for my nephew. He just turned 1 and is learning to feed himself. His mother is a single parent and hasn't been able to buy him a high chair. Thanks so much for a great contest!
honestly we are using a metal hughchair from the 50's and need another one and am tired of pinched fingers and would love something new
Well, this chair is the most stylish high chair I've seen. I'm preggos right now and looking to build up my baby furniture supply over the next few months as our budget does not allow for much extra spending each month. Thanks Boon for offering me a chance to get a styly AND useful piece!
Subscribed! :)
Blogged about the contest, against my better judgment...more entrants decreases my chances of winning! :(
Twittering you now! :)
Thanks Boon, what a cool prize. I wish I had something like this when my kids were little and would love it for my new granddaughter.
I would love to win this not only because I need a high chair, but I love the design from Boon. Thank you, Boon!
karhiannon at aol.com
i need it when my grandson comes to visit on sundays
Thanks Boon for the awesome giveaway! This is a great gift for the new baby in my bros house :o)
Terrific prize! I'd love to win this for my sister in law because she's due any time now and doesn't have a high chair yet and money's super tight. Thanks Boon!
Thank you boon for a wonderful prize! This would go great with my modern decor in my open living room. And I just know that my first born who is coming in about a month would love this wonderful prize as well.
Thanks Boon for a great prize.I am a subscriber.
Thanks to Boon for sponsoring this terrific giveaway
I wanna win!
The high chair we have is easily from the 80s with dayglo yellow and green.
Thank you boon! What a great contest - of course we should thank them as well - but thank you as well!
It also weeds out those who don't read the directions!
THANK YOU BOON !!!! This high chair is so neat.. I think I will have a hard time giving this to my fiance's daughter who is pregnant or his daughter in law who just had a baby instead of keeping it for my little guy and passing off my old high chair !! Decisions Decisions oh well what ever I decide it certainly will be greatly appreciated and much used!! Thanks for the wonderful giveaway!!
THANK YOU BOON !!!! This high chair is so neat.. I think I will have a hard time giving this to my fiance's daughter who is pregnant or his daughter in law who just had a baby instead of keeping it for my little guy and passing off my old high chair !! Decisions Decisions oh well what ever I decide it certainly will be greatly appreciated and much used!! Thanks for the wonderful giveaway!!
Boon, what a great gift, thank you, thank you, thank you!!!!! I' d like to win this for my grandbabies!
First off, I love Boon. The Flair is one of the few Boon products we have not tried. It is gorgeous and if it anything like the other Boon items I know and love (Potty Bench, feeding supplies, Animal Bag), it will revolutionize dinnertime.
Jasper has Roo's hand-me-down Ikea wooden highchair and it is a deathtrap. No straps, no pads, just pointy wooden rods that hit him all the time. He's been climbing out of it lately. I would be thrilled to have something secure and stylish!
I subscribed, too!
This is possibly one of the best prizes I've ever seen! Thanks so much Boon for the offer! Everything about the chair is unique and so safe. Thanks again!
This would be such a great high chair- functional and stylish!
Thanks SO SO SO much to Boon for offering this generous prize!
I would just love to win this!!!It would be alot better than the wobbly one i currently use! Thanks alot boon!!!
Thanks so much to Boon for supplying this terrific prize! I just had a new baby, after 10 years of having a little one in my house....completely NOT ready! This chair is very slim and looks like it would fit well in a small space. I would definitely find this prize useful. Thanks again!
I would like this because its easy to clean!
Thankyou BOON for providing this prize!
Thankyou BOON so much for providing such a great and useful prize for some very lucky mom!
OK, well besides the obvious style points this would bring to our kitchen. I love the fact that it has a pneumatic lift. How cool is that. Many thanks to Boon for offering this up as a prize!
I'd love to win this for my sister who just gave birth! :) She'd love this! Thanks!
bunnybx at gmail . com
bunnybx at gmail . com
bunnybx at gmail . com
Twitter follower. ID: bunnyb
bunnybx at gmail . com
Kids would feel they are big and it will be easier affair to make them sit.
What a sleek looking high chair! I would sure love this product for baby #2 coming soon, instead of the used and abused travel chair we used with my first son. Thanks for the chance at a great giveaway!
pckrfan (at) gmail.com
I would love to give this stunning high chair to my grandson. Talk about eating with flair, gorgeous design for a chair. This chair has form and function written all over it.
Thank you so much BOON for sponsoring this giveaway!!!!
I would love to have the Flair High Chair for my baby girl due this month. We haven't had the extra money to buy a high chair yet, so this would sure come in handy.
Thanks Boon for the awesome prize!
I love this chair! I'm due to have a baby next week. We don't have a full-sized high chair, and this would come in handy! It's so contemporary looking. I love it!
Thank you Berrie Sweet for this wonderful opp. and thanks going out to boon!
I would really enjoy winning this for my grandchildren.This one looks very easy to clean and keep bacteria away from the babies.I have become a lot more ''germ aware''over the years and this would surely cut down on cleaning time .I have a highchair i use from them that as my son would say''Is two days older than dirt''.lol
and i so hate the flap on it that you have too pull metal sides and push in to attach it.with 2 new grands and a great nephew ,all under 6 mos. ,that will be eating here often this would be soooo very nice...
thanks again for the opp. to win this great chair!
i am also placing your button on my sidebar..thnx again
adding you to my blog as we speak..
thank you
added your button as well
last but not least ,i am subscribed..have a great week!
THANK YOU, BOON!!! This is awesome.
I need this high chair. Our 4th child is 6 months old and he needs a place to sit at the dinner table. He doesn't want to sit on Mommy or Daddy's lap anymore.
Thanks, Boon, for being awesome and giving away this chair!
This would match our newly re-painted and modernized kitchen, and I know my son would like the super-cool chair better than his current spot on my lap. I can hope, at least!
forgot to add my email addy....
here is my email...
I love the clean and modern lines of this chair!!! Thank you Boon for such an awesome prize!!!
Ooooh, this would be fantastic for my daughter who is now trying to stand up in her highchair! I loooove the colors and the sleek design--how chic!
I'm following you on twitter now, wahoo!!
And THANK YOU Boon for offering this fabulous high chair! Boon is fah-shizzle!
Awesome chair. Thanks Boon for the giveaway!
I need this because my current high chair is hard to clean and hard to move around. Plus this one is way cooler!
I have three grandbabies & a high chair would be awesome to have for Grandma & Grandpa's house. WE don't have one yet. Two of the grandbabies are infants & will need a chair in the near future.
Oh I would LOVE to win this! I am pregnant again after 6 1/2 years so I have NOTHING left from my last children (twins).
Please include me in your drawing
~Oh I am also a subscriber through bloglines
I have been eying this highchair on their site. We have a small house and eat at a breakfast bar. We gave away our high chair because it wasn't tall enough for our guy to sit at the table. But this one will work for us.
cu_veg_mom (at) yahoo (dot) com
I subscribe!
cu_veg_mom (at) yahoo (dot) com
I follow you on Twitter!
cu_veg_mom (at) yahoo (dot) com
And Boon rocks for providing this prize, but really they should give you one too :)
cu_veg_mom (at) yahoo (dot) com
abbyjhenry @ gmail [dot]com
Beautiful chair, Boon! Thanks for the giveaway!
I have a toddler who is so squirmy these days, I need a new chair to keep her contained.
What a classy high chair. You wouldn't feel like you had to hide it when company came.
We would love this because we only have 3 chairs for our table...That allows room for myself, my husband and our son in his booster chair to it at the table...in a couple of months, our newborn will be joining us for meals...Where will he sit?!? Oh!!! if I won, he could sit in this chair!!! ;-)
Subscribed via google reader
Button added. Post posted and linked. THANK YOU BOON AND BERRY SWEET PICKS. I love Boon. My husband and I are friends with Becky (the designer of Boon products)and so I would love to win this high chair to be able to tell her I won it and to be able to give it away as a prize on my blog (if someone will actually be able to pry it from my clenches.)
Thanks again!
My daughter can definitely use this high chair! Thank you, Boon! You guys are awesome and have awesome products!
First of all I would like to say thank you for Boon to sponsoring this giveaway. What a wonderful chair! I would love to win it for my grandson who is due today, yes today!
jwright at iowatelecom dot net
We didn't have room in our kitchen for a high chair when my daughter was high chair-age but now we are in a house with a nice roomy kitchen and I'd love to have one for #2 on the way. Thanksto both you and boon for this awesome giveaway!
Wow - just, wow! What an amazing giveaway. First off, thank you Berrie Sweet Picks. And second, Thank you Boon!
I would love this chair because the old hand-me-down chair I've been using is 1) half-broken and 2) a terribly designed food-trapping stinky hard-to-clean nightmare. Hope I win!
Thanks! crt4book[at]yahoo[dot]com
Okay, I *really* need a new high chair. We just found out we're expecting our third... and we still have the same high chair we bought when my oldest (six 1/2) was born. The liner actually rotted away, so now my toddler just sits on the bare plastic.
Mine has many cracks and crevices, unlike Boon's. The cracks and crevices-- they scare me. There's all kinds of stuff stuck in there that I just can't get out. Somehow the baby does, though. Which makes me shudder.
Each time I try to roll it around, I gouge the back of my heel (and jump around screaming inappropriate words!). Which is why I was so excited to see the design on Boon's Flair High Chair. There's NO WAY to draw blood on my ankles with this baby!
Not to mention the fact that I will soon be needing TWO high chairs, and I have ONE really old and disgusting one.
I would love to win this to donate to a non-profit silent auction that is coming up the end of Oct.
Thank you Boon! How generous!
I want the Flair high chair because it is very attrative and useful.
Thanks Boon for offering a nice giveaway.
Thanks Boon!!
I'm soon to be a new mom and this looks like the perfect high chair. The safety is the big key with us and seems to pass with flying colors.
mathbook28 at gmail dot com
I would love this high chair because I love the simple design and that it takes up much less space then a traditional high chair. Thank you Boon, this is terrific!
tuesdayef (at) aol dot com
Thank you boon! What a great giveaway. I would love to have this high chair!
This would be great. My sister is having twins this month. It would be perfect for her.
I actually haven't bought a high chair yet - can you believe that? We've just used a basic booster chair with a tray and while I love that it doesn't take up much space....It has actually ruined my chair! Oops.
I love Boon products so I'm sure this high chair is awesome!
Your button is on my sidebar. Thanks!
Thank you Boon for providing this giveaway! I'm about to have my first baby and don't have any high chair at all so this would be great. Plus I love other Boon products so I know its quality stuff. Thanks for the chance! afdr3d@umkc.edu
Wow, crazy awesome Giveaway! Thank you!
This chair is absolutley BEAUTIFUL. It would fit in seamlessly with any style of kitchen/dining room. I would have to say that the pneumatic lift is my favotire feature! Would LOVE to win this!!!
Thank you boon for sponsoring an amazing giveaway with a WONDERFUL product!
I am RSS subscribed :)
I would so love to win this. My daughter has been using an old hand me down high chair that is horrible. This would be great!!! Thanks Boon!!!
I would score some major sister in law points if I showed up with this fabulous goodie at my niece/nephew to be's shower!!
Boon Rocks!
This is such a nice chair. I want to win this for my grandson. He doesn't have one at all
Thank You Boon!
Boon, oh Boon, THANK YOU for such a wonderful high chair! I would love to win one for my first grandson arriving in January! I have also subscribed to RSS feed. Thank you very much for the chance to win! debgiro at wildblue dot net
Thanks Boon for offering this fantastic giveaway!
This is one very cool chair. I would love to have it for my baby on the way that I can just tell will have great taste and demand a stylish high chair!
maheeni at hotmail.com
It is wonderful to see, that people like Boon, realize that not everyone can afford the good stuff! Thank you Boon! I am expecting my first grandchild, and with the economy the way it is, the parents are finding it hard right now. So, if I could win this for them, it would be so awesome! We may not have much in material things, but, we sure have plenty of love to give this blessing!
i love that this chair can be used for YEARS... up to 50 lbs... Awesome. Thanks Boon!
I love that it looks good! It is not a normal big tacky high chair. I wouldn't mind leaving this one out when company comes over! Plus it can be used for years! Perfect!! Boon has such amazing stuff. They have yet to disappoint!
I would love to win this for the new baby. Each child seems to trash the chair they use and I have to get a new one for each new child. This looks like a wonderfully functional design, much better than anything we have had in the past. Thanks for the chance
The design is awesome, sort of liek artwork! :) Thanks to you and to BOON for this really cool contest! I know we would really love to win! :)
Oh boon... thank you, thank you, thank you for such a wonderful giveaway! We would love the high chair, as it fits our modern style perfectly. I once read that you shouldn't make the babies room or your house 'cutsie' for baby if that's not your style. You want furniture and things around you that will make you happy and comfortable, and happy mommy/daddy make a happy baby. Now, within reason, you will have some cutsie stuff! But I think you know what I mean. Love the style of this high chair, my fingers are crossed to win.
I am following you on twitter: LauraCh
I added your button to my blog: http://chil-koffs.blogspot.com/
Thank you Boon for the chance to win this! My older son already has a Tripp Trapp chair. My younger one is just about to start eating solids, and I was trying to figure out what kind of chair to buy for him. This Boon chair would be perfect for him. It looks super cool, easy to clean, and doesn't seem like it would take up too much space around our table!
Boon, you are so freakin' awesome for donating such a generous prize!!!
I can't believe it has a pneumatic lift! That has to be the most technologically advanced high chair on the market!
Thanks for offering such a modern and unique chair.
This would be a great shower gift!
Thank you BOON for this amazing giveaway!!
We are TTC #4, and our other highchair made it thorugh 3 kids, but not a fourth, so it would be used for that!
Boon, you rock! Thanks for the giveaway!
I love the colors, and I love that it rolls areound easily. My baby wants to be wherever I am, and she can't sit up without support (and even then, the floor is risky since I have a doggie that LOVES the baby..
Can i say WOW? I can't believe boon is providing one of these highchairs. Thank you so much for allowing this as the giveaway! I'll soon be needing this!
mami at mamiandpapi.net
This chair would fit in so great with our decor! Thank you, boon!
First let me thank boon for creating such a wonderful chair. My niece has one and hopefully my lil one will get this. And thank you for the wonderful giveaway. Congats on the 101st post and boy have you celebrated it with flair.
OMG...this is a contest I really want to win! I love the orange color. I love that we can move it around without damaging the floor and the five point harness is so needed for my wiggly baby!!
We don't have a high chair yet and will need one pretty soon...keeping my fingers crossed.
bvbabybv at gmail.com
as a grandfather, i can really use this chair to feed my grandson
What a great highchair! I'd love to have this for my babe! The fact that it goes until 50lbs is fabulous!
I would love to win this high chair for our little boy due in December. We don't have a high chair and our 2 year old is using one that is a hand me down that doesn't have a cover. Thank you Boon for offering such an awesome prize. I really would love to win. ecghick@yahoo.com
I just subscribed to your feed!
I need this high chair because my son is an escape artist and can get out of his current high chair. Thank you Boon for giving one away.
i keep my grandson during the week so this would be great.
First of all, THANKS BOON!! I really love the look of all of their products and have heard nothing but good things regarding the functionality of their products. I currently have a $10 dollar highchair from a second-hand store that has served us well for two years, but with baby #2 on the way would love to add some spunk and style to my kitchen. Thanks!
What a great prize.I would love to win this because moneys tight and we really could use such a great high chair.
We never got a high chair for our other kids, but this time around, we're going to need it. We're now out of dining room chairs on which to put booster seats, so the newest wee one will need a high chair.
I love that this one is seamless. That will make cleanup so much easier. I hated having to take the booster seats apart and wash out all the crevices. This would eliminate that need.
What an awesome giveaway!!
This chair is adorable!! I have a longtime friend that is having a baby next month, she lives in Vegas and this would be adorable in her apartment.
Thanks for the giveaway!!
I just put your button in my sidebar!
No way!!! Please enter me!!
I love that it grows with the child, and you can use it for so many years!
THANKS to Boon for providing this awesome chair as a prize!!
Thank you boon for providing this awesome highchair giveaway!!
I love this high chair! I'd love to win it cause it looks soooo damn easy to clean, and who doesnt love that?
Oh wow..what a fab giveaway!!!I would love to win this for my daughter! She is one messy eater so clean ups should be breeze with this one.I love the white!
freecyclebv @ gmail.com
I would love to win this for my daughter. I like the fact that it is stain proof and has a 5 point harness.
Thanks to Boon for sponsoring this awesome and fantastic giveaway!!!!
I just subscribed!
Hubby and I are working on our first baby!! Woohoo! :)
Thank you so much Boon for providing this awesome prize!
I would love to win this to give as a gift to my newly adopted niece!
ajcmeyer AT go DOT com
I adore this high chair not only because it is from Boon, but for the sleek, modern design. I love how it seems so comfy and safe for my child, and brings it's own sense of style and decor to our living room. Thank you so much boon for sponsoring this mazing giveaway!
Again, THANK YOU BOON! Once again, by hosting this wonderful contest/giveaway, you show you are a company that cares...and just down right rocks!!
I have subscribed to your feed!
I could really use this...I love how you can use it for such a long time! Also, the orange one would totally match my decor! Thank you Boon!
I love Boon, we have the Frog Pod and I've been coveting the high chair too. I'd love to win it to use with my daughter, now almost 5 months.
I subscribed!
What a great chair! I'd love to have this for my daughter who makes a HUGE mess everytime that she eats. I think clean up would be very easy with the Boon Fair.
Wow!! Awesome giveaway! I'd love this chair because of the ease of cleaning it. It's not easy cleaning high chairs...but I have total and complete faith that the Flair would totally not let me down! A big huge THANK YOU to Boon and Berrie Sweet Picks! You both ROCK!
I'm a subscriber via google reader!
I've got your button on my side bar.
I'm following you on Twitter. Me, I'm Seeryus
And I've blogged ya!!
Thanks again for this fantastic giveaway!!
I am a subscriber!
Oh I forgot to say that I ADORE this highchair! I really want it for myself as that I am expecting in December.
Boon makes such amazing products - safe AND stylish! You guys are fabulous for sponsoring such an awesome giveaway!!!
I would love to win this high chair, because it is trendy and looks very practical.
I would love this highchair! I am on my 3rd baby and I HATE my gross high chair! I love that this chair has a 5 point harness because my baby is always trying to escape his chair. I also love the chemical resistant waterproof pad so that I can feel like I am getting rid of all of the gross germs from the food spillage!
Thanks so much for the giveaway, boon!
I would love to win this to give to dear friend who is having a little boy (my very first godchild). Thanks to Boon for giving this away! AND I'm off to subscribe to your blog. What a fun site!
h1bah1ba @ yahoo . com
I would love this chair for my house. I currently don't have a high chair and this would be the perfect addition to my household. What a great giveaway! Super awesome!
I would LOVE that chair for my son! My sons chair is a hand me down and the plastic seat cloth whatever its called is ripping and the buckles don't work. This would be wonderful!
i would love to have this not only for all the safety features but it looks so cool and would make dinner time seem a special event
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