Monday, June 25

Hey you! Business owner! Over here!

Interested in advertising or having a product reviewed on my berrie awesome blog?

Space is available and limited to family-friendly businesses for products and web sites marketed to the following groups:
* Mom
* Baby
* Kids
* Dogs and cats
* Family

Berrie Sweet Picks has a steadily growing readership with 10,000 unique hits since its launch in May of 2007 and averages 200 unique visitors daily.

Advertising rates are as follows:

$ 25: 125 x 125 Ad (2 week run)
For $10, your 125 x 125 ad will run for one week on my blog sidebar, and will directly link to your site. Please contact me at with your ad. Once payment is received via paypal, you ad will be placed on the site and I will notify you at that time.

$40: 125 x 125 Ad (1 month and berrie sweet deal!)

For $25, your 125 x 125 ad will run for one month on my blog sidebar, and will directly link to your site. Please contact me at with your ad. Once payment is received via paypal, you ad will be placed on the site and I will notify you at that time.

I only pick the sweetest of the sweet, so feel free to feel honored when I get back to you.