Monday, December 1

See Buttercup fall in love with Kai

I love shoes. And I have a major addiction to baby shoes.

Seriously, Buttercup has had more shoes in her short life than I probably have purchase in the last 10 years! And while I was totally devoted to a certain brand who shall remain nameless until a short while ago, I am now a total convert to the See Kai Run line of shoes for little feet.

These shoes really are the cutest, most modern, most flexible, and highest quality I have come by in my 18 months of devoted research. And it certainly helps that I love the story of Mom Creates Hip Namesake to Meet Needs Even Hipper Son. Just two years after getting the company up and running, See Kai Run was a hit in children's boutiques across the country and continues to win over parents and tots alike when they try them for themselves.

I hate spending full price on anything clothing-wise for Buttercup, and many of her clothes are hand-me-downs or bargain-basement specials. But I won't skimp on her shoes. It's too important to me to ensure her little feet are given the flexibility essential right now, and See Kai Run shoes are honestly so easy to flex I can bend the shoe in half with one hand without any effort at all! the soles, which are made from an extremely flexible rubber, are perfect for outdoor use allowing for little feet to flex in all the right places, and Buttercup loves the easy on velcro-straps.

For our review, Buttercup and I got to try the beaut-ee-us Elaine Mary Janes ($40), which are absolutely adorable with their mismatched line of silver stars on each shoe. These are perfect for the holidays, and go with everything.

I've had them since October, and so far have used them for family pictures in early November and then again on Thanksgiving. Buttercup will wear them again for Christmas, and then all bets are off and she can use them anytime her little heart desires.

We also got to take a look at the new Smaller line of soft-soled booties made specifically for babies 0-18 months. The Mazi style ($32)arrived on our doorstep and was a perfect choice for my nine-month old nephew, and will fit him for quite a while. My sister loves that her little man has a kickin' pair of shoes with a major dash of style and I love that little Aiden's feet are just as flexible as if he wasn't wearing a thing!

And perhaps my favorite feature of all the See Kai Run shoes is the butter-soft leather used in their design. It looks classy, expensive even, and yet they are priced no higher than many of their competitors who use lesser materials.

Bottom line? I heart See Kai Run. And I know you will, too.

Thanks to my new fave shoe company, I've got a great contest for two winners to win ONE PAIR each of either the regular See Kai Run line and the Smaller line. And it['s winners choice on style and size! To enter, visit See Kai Run and leave me a berrie (read: comment) telling me what style and size you would prefer if selected a winner. And remember, this is a two-in-one contest for one winner each for the two styles I just reviewed! Entries will be accepted until midnight, EST, on December 8 and will ONLY be considered if they include a valid email address. Winner has 4 days to contact me after the announcement has been made, and please-U.S. entries only.
Additional extra entries are also available if you:
* subscribe to my RSS feed and comment letting me know you did so.
* Blog about contest and link to this post.
* Non-bloggers can email three of their friends about the contest at (at) gmail (dot) com and CC me on the email. Girl Scout's honor that I will never bother these sweet people. I promise!
* Grab my Berrie Sweet Picks button and place it on your blog page. I'll check!
* Follow me on Twitter! (nickname: berriesweetest)
* Tweet the contest and leave a comment with your username telling me what you said to your "tweeple"!
Please note all entries MUST include a valid email address to be considered for the drawing! That means that well, all entries must include an email address to be considered valid. Simple enough, right? ;)
(Oh, and PLEASE forgive the awkward positioning of the photos above. Blogger would not cooperare with me today and I was running out of patience. :-)


valerie2350 said...

The Jessica's are cute - size 7

valerie2350 said...

twitter follower

Anonymous said...

I'd really love to have a pair of "Jessica" for my daughter. Size 9

Anonymous said...

I'm subscribed through Reader

ReggieMann said...

I like "Clara" and now that you have featured it, also "Elaine"
Size 7 for my niece :)

Jen lleras said...

I would choose the peter in size 0-6!

Alexia said...

I would love to win the Kenso shoes, size 9!

Alexia said...

I tweeted you!

"Berrie Sweet Picks is having a giveaway for See Kai Run shoes - your pick! ("

superfizz said...

I love the Neo shoes in size 6. Adorable.

superfizz said...

I am also a subscriber to your feed.

Reiza said...

I follow you on Twitter.

Reiza said...

I tweeted.
My e-mail is in my profile, but just to be safe:
offthespaceship at myway dot com

Reiza said...

This is a tough one. My little guy can wear the regular SKR shoes, but we could use the smallers for the baby due in March.

I do love the Pauls. I'll go with those in a 9. That way, they can always be passed down. If the baby is a girl, well, she'll just deal. They look cute enough to work for a girl.

offthespaceship at myway dot com

Gaitha said...

I heart see kai run too!!! I love the Emilie black shoe as well as SO many others!

Gaitha said...

I subscribe.

Anonymous said...

I would love the Elaine shoes for my grand-daughter. So stylish and she would love the shiny stars! Size 9

Anonymous said...

I am following you.

Anonymous said...

I subscribe via Feed Demon.

Anonymous said...

I have your button.

Anonymous said...

I'd love the Julie boots in a size 5!

cookiert at

Jen lleras said...

your button is on the bottom of my page!

Anonymous said...

I love the tine.

rebbi511 at

Anonymous said...

I would love the Paul shoes in size 9 from See Kai Run line.

Alesha @ Full Time Mama said...

I love the Radik in a size 6!

Alesha @ Full Time Mama said...

I've got your button!

jenny said...

i so love all the girl shoes and i realy love to win a pair for my little one in a size 6 baby shoes thanks

Sheila Hickmon said...

I like the Jessicas size 9

Sheila Hickmon said...

Im following you!

Stephanie said...

probably Kenso size 8 -- but there are so many incredible choices!
tvollowitz at aol dot com

Sky said...

I love the Steph boots (size 5). The color is just brilliant...and they look like they are really well made shoe. Love them!

Sky said...

I'm a subscriber via google reader!

Sky said...

I follow on twitter...I'm Seeryus.

Sky said...

I've got your button on my blog!

Anonymous said...

I would love to win a pair of Pauls in size 6 for my God-nephew.


Anonymous said...

Monica in 12-18 months, so cute!

StinaWins said...

My favorite are the Brian in size 5!

StinaWins said...

I'm a subscriber!

StinaWins said...

I follow you on twitter (stinawins)!

StinaWins said...

I tweeted (stinawins)!

mverno said...

pauls in size 9

Anonymous said...

Monica-12/18 months is nice.


monica is size 7

strawberry3d said...


Anonymous said...

I love the Monica smaller shoes in size 3-6 months, sooooo cute!!

shevilkenevil1 at aol dot com

bluenude3 said...

Jake 6-9.

clynsg said...

Either the Paul or the Jake in 3-6 months

clynsg at

iggysaysno said...

I like the Ali in newborn... my sister-in-law is due next Monday!

mogrill said...

Love the Clara's! Super cute.

vboackle said...

jake in 12-18 mos.

littlelatina said...

I'd love a pair of the Aki in size 7

carolpie said...

I love the Lillian Grace pink boots-so soft and stylish!

Anonymous said...

I would pick the "Henry" in Size 8.

agordon10 said...

love the jessica's in size 10

Anonymous said...

Mazi 9-12 mo.

Idaho Jill said...

Love the Melody, probably size 5 - my email is in my blog profile, thanks

Idaho Jill said...

I'm a yahoo reader subscriber, thanks

my email is in my blog profile

Idaho Jill said...

I have your button here:
my email is in my profile, thanks

Anonymous said...

These shoes are really super cute and adorable.

kdkdkd said...

THe Mike in size 9 would be great

Anonymous said...

I would choose the Henry in a size 5


Dumaurier said...

I really like Paul and Tristan for my son

Jennireesa/Jennifer W. said...

I would pick the Bunny shoes in size 6-9 months.

Stacy said...

Love the Paul, so cute.


Anonymous said...

My favorite pair is the Emilie.
size 7

Melanie said...

I would choose the Elaine size 8

Melanie said...


Melanie said...

have your button


Steph boots in 9

cherylc said...

I love the Emilys in a size 7 !


Barbara said...

Pink bunnies in 12-18 mo would be perfect for keeping the tootsies warm this winter!

CaseyDeuce said...

I cant decide between the kenzo and the aki for my son!!

CaseyDeuce said...

Blogged ya!!

Anonymous said...

I'd love the Geneva in size 5!

Anonymous said...

and now I subscribed!

miriama said...

June, size 7.

Unknown said...

I would love the Dominic in size 5 for my son.

Aura said...

Avery in size 5

Aura said...

I'm a subscriber
aahaft at gmail dot com

Aura said...

When I entered as Avery size 5 I forgot to add my email address aahaft at gmail dot com

Anonymous said...

I love the Tristan in size 8 or 9! thanks!

Jinxy and Me said...

I would love the Paul in size 4. Thanks for the giveaway!

Kari said...

I love the Jake in a 6-9

Kari said...

Im a subscriber!!

SeahorseLady said...

They do make great looking shoes. I like Aki in size 4.
Thanks for the nice giveaway.

SeahorseLady said...

I'm also a subscriber.

Anonymous said...

I love the Mazi in 12-18 months!

Anonymous said...

I follow on twitter (blueviolet)

Unknown said...

These are great shoes!!! My fave is the Nancy from the Smaller line. I would choose it in a 0-6 months for my new goddaughter!!!

sherri419 at gmail dot com

Jaye said...

I am in love with the Hannah's in size 4! These are great!


artmarcia said...

I would love the Elaine shoes in size 4.

Unknown said...

My favorite syle is the Jake size 0-6 months. Please count me in and thanks for the contest!
codisweepstakes at gmail dot com

Anonymous said...

Yuna size 9


boba said...

I'd love the Bunny in the 6-12 months size! Soo cute!

Anonymous said...

Yuna size 6! These shoes are so stylish!

Anonymous said...

I am following you on twitter

Anonymous said...

I tweeted :)

Anonymous said...

I subscribed in google reader!

my email is heacollins (at) gmail (dot) com

Lisa said...

I love the melody in a size 8!

Anonymous said...

I like the Nancys in size 3

Anonymous said...

I'd love to win Melody in size 7. Thanks.

Anonymous said...

The See Kai Run Hannah are so cute! Size 4, if I win.

Kendra Field said...

The Kenzo in size 9 are super cute!

Kendra Field said...

I'm a subscriber

Anonymous said...

Monica smaller shoes in size 0-6 months. So cute! Thanks.

shevilkenevil1 at aol dot com

*Meg Larsen* said...

I'd get the Paul's in size 5...

Jennai said...

I'd love to get the Monica's in a size 4

Jennai said...

I subscribed via Google
HobartsMama AT

Noggy said...

I would love to win a pair of Melody in size 7. They are adorable.

Mtlgrl4evr said...

I love the Clara style size 9, so cute!

Brooke said...

I love the Stella in size 6

Brooke said...

I susbcribe.

Laura said...

We love SKR. For our son, I'd choose the Radik's in size 7. Thanks so much!
laurachilton {at}

Laura said...

Blogged ya:
laurachilton {at}

Jennifer R said...

I love the Sylvia style size 6.

Anonymous said...

They have the cutest shoes... I love the dresser one but would go with the Nancy in 9-12months (or maybe 12-18)since that way she could wear them everyday... wiicked13 [at] yahoo [dot] com

The Halton Mom said...

I love these. I would love the Paddy size 6.

The Halton Mom said...

I subscribe via Reader.

lil_wifey21 at yahoo dot com

The Halton Mom said...

I also link you here...

37 Questions said...

I would pick the Melody (from the See Kai Run line) in a size 6. Thanks for a super giveaway!
jjdragonfly [at] gmail [dot] com

Anonymous said...

I would love the Addison in a 0-6 month!


christi said...

i would have to pick the oliver in a 7 or 8 and the tristan in a 7 or 8. i wish the girls shoes came in larger sizes, my daughter wouold love these shoes!

thanks for the chance to win!

christi said...

i have your button on my blog!

christi said...

i am also a subscriber!

klp1965 said...

i love the moicas in the 3 to 6 month size :)

Kat said...

The Eliza in a size 5 for my daughter

Jodi said...

I love the Julie in a size 9.


Sherry R said...

My favorite is Paul in size 5!

jnkrim (at) qwestoffice (dot) net

Anonymous said...

I love the Jakes in size in 0-6 months.

Anonymous said...

I subscribe.

rosannepm said...

I love their shoes too. In the See Kai Run the James in Size 9 or in the Smaller the Addison in 9-12 months.

rosannepm said...

I'm a subscriber via e-mail.

rosannepm said...

I e-mailed 3 people and cc'd you about the giveaway

Jayme said...

i love the Yuna in size 5 for my niece.


dvice12 said...

I like the Addison shoes

Jessica @ Piece Of Me said...

I love the Tamar style in size 9-12 months.
livlifelov at yahoo dot com

Jessica @ Piece Of Me said...

I have your button.
livlifelov at yahoo dot com

bkh61959 said...

Love the Pauls, in a size nine for my little man, thanks

Bakersdozen said...

I would love the Peter shoes in 12-18 months. vidomich(at)yahoo(dot)com

Aisling said...

My favorite is the Sasha from the Smaller collection.

Helen said...

My favorite are the Mike in size 8.

lilyk said...

Please enter me into the contest for the Emilie shoes size 9. Thanks!

cdrury said...
Jake in 3-6 months for my grandson!!!!

Anonymous said...

I'm a subscriber.

Anonymous said...

Your button is on my sidebar.

Anonymous said...

I love the black Dominic boots.

Anonymous said...

I just figured out how to follow you on Twitter!

Andrea Hatfield said...

I would choose Melody in size 3. Thanks!

Andrea Hatfield said...

I am a subscriber in Google Reader.

Andrea Hatfield said...

I have your button on my blog.

Andrea Hatfield said...

I follow on Twitter (andreashops)

Andrea Hatfield said...

I tweeted:

Alli said...

I'd love the Nancy in size 12/18 months. Thanks!