It's time for my newest Tuesday Ten interview with Jamie Dadant from Circle of Sentiments. Remember the way cute Classic Mommy Necklace I reviewed here? I absolutely love this necklace, and wear it all the time!
Don't forget that Jamie is offering my readers a 10 percent discount at checkout
with code "circle 10"!
Jamie took a few moments to tell us a little bit about herself, her company, and even invited me over for dinner. Read on to find out more.
Q: So tell me a little about Circle of Sentiments and the inspiration behind it.
A.: Circle of Sentiments offers an extensive collection of personalized hand stamped jewelry. Perfect for any proud mama, our "mommy jewelry" is custom made with children’s names, initials or favorite phrases.
I always wanted to have my own business. The inspiration for taking action came after I quit my corporate job to be a stay at home mom. I started my first business, an online baby boutique. One of the many items sold on my site was a line of hand stamped jewelry that I made. Due to the demand and popularity of the hand stamped necklaces, I decided to switch my focus to just jewelry. And thus, Circle of Sentiments was developed.
Q: What's the nitty-gritty on you!?? Come on! I want age, rank, and serial number!
A.: As of today, I’m 30. Come tomorrow, I’m 31 (Happy Birthday to me!). I love being a mom, wife, homemaker, business owner, etc. It all suits my personality so well.
Q.: What's your funniest mommyhood memory to date?
A.: Oh my gosh, I don’t know how I can choose just one! Ok, this just happened recently, so it’s still fresh in my mind.
I was out to dinner with my family, and I took my 3 year old son to use the bathroom. As we were washing our hands, another lady next to us came to the sink and quickly rinsed her hands. She went to grab a paper towel to dry her hands when my son starts yelling “you forgot to use soap!”. It was very embarrassing!
Q: Glass half empty of half full? Or can you not tell because it already got spilled by one of the kids?
A.: Half full. And, usually half full of wine.
Q: If you could have one mommy superpower, what would it be?
A.: I need more hands for all the different directions I get pulled in.
Q.: Who's the brains behind the operation?
A.: I am. As of right now, my business is still a one-woman operation.
Q.: What press have you received since you started? what's the coolest, berrie sweetest press you have gotten to date? (answer carefully....*wink
A.: Aside from the obviously cool berrie sweet press that we’ve received, we’ve also worked with many great online sites that have done reviews of our products. Coming up, we were also invited by Mini Me Baby Gear/ Hot Moms Club to participate in a baby shower that is being hosted for Alison Sweeney (host of biggest loser/ soap star).
Q.: Five words. Describe yourself. go!
A.: Organized, Neurotic, Loving, Passionate, Silly
Q.: The best part of being a mom? And what's the hardest?
A.: Best part is watching my boys grow up. It amazing to see how much they change everyday. Oh, and I really like the snuggling too!
Hardest part is balance. It’s a constant challenge to try and balance my time between family and work.
Q.: What's on the menu for dinner tonight? (and can I come over?)
A.: We are barbequing…. Come on over. My boys would love to play with Buttercup!
Don't forget to stop back for next Tuesday's interview with the woman behind my fave baby carrier, the Ergo!
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