Wednesday, September 17

I heart Fuzzi Bunz

I think by now, you all know that Buttercup's fluffy butt is a direct result of the fact that I fell in love with cloth diapering when she was about 4 months old.

Thanks to my former magazine product review gig, I was lucky enough to get to try Fuzzi Bunz diapers, and eventually got a few samples of the new and improved design.

And yes, I heart them, too.

Before I go on, let me be the first to say that I HATED cloth diapering when I had to help change my lil' sisters' diapers. And thanks to many nasty, smelly, grossed-out memories of pins, poked fingers, wiggling babies, and soaking poopy diapers in the toilet while holding my breath, I was pretty sure I was never EVER going to use anything other than disposables on my own children.

But that was before I had my own. Because then things changed.

I suddenly found myself wanting to set a good example and all that Hallmark-gooey goodness that comes with becoming a mother. So when Fuzzi Bunz showed up on my doorstep and I suddenly started realizing the benefits to the environment AND to my bank account, I was pretty much hooked.

Here's the deal: In cloth diapering circles, you'll learn that Fuzzi Bunz are referred to as "pocket diapers" due to the waterproof outer layer with the pocket-style opening which allows for you to customize the absorbancy level by insterting one or more microfleece inserts.

In a nutshell, they are easy to use thanks to the adjustable snaps (did I mention "no pins?"!), beyond cute with tons of colors and prints to choose from, and actually help reduce (if not eliminate) diaper rashes!

After my traumatized teen years spent trying to wrestle a squirming baby into an antiquated prefold without sticking a pin in her tummy, this was seriously a walk in the park.

I use Fuzzi Bunz on Buttercup all day at home, and eventually got brave enough to venture out of my home with a bunch in tow for changes when out and about. I do, however, keep a few disposables on hand for the occassional diaper rash, as creams are not recommended for use with the Fuzzis.

Another point I'd like to bring up for parents of super heavy night wetters is that I have stuffed these diapers with three inserts at bed time and still had soak-throughs. But then again, my little water-horse can pee through a trusty disposable in the first half of the night don't take that as a sign that the Fuzzi Bunz aren't worth their weight in gold. I've spoken with plenty of cloth-diapering friends, and can confirm that their babies stay happy and dry with nothing but Fuzzi Bunz in the home.

You can get a starter kit of 12 diapers from Fuzzi Bunz direct for $227.40, which might sting a bit up front, but will save you gobs of money in the long run. Individual diapers are available for $19.95, with price drops available if you purchase a three-pack. And if you re-use the diapers for more than one child as I plan to, the diapers pretty much pay for themselves.

If there is one item I have ever reviewed that I will talk up so much that I drive even myself crazy, it's my Fuzzi Bunz. And coming from me, I'd say that's a pretty kickin' testimonial.

Fuzzi Bunz is generously offering one lucky reader a $40 gift certificate to Fuzzi Bunz Direct! That's enough to get you started (or help you add) to your collection! To enter, visit the site and leave me a berrie (read: comment) telling me what designs or colors are your favrotite AND tell me if you already cloth diaper or if you are interested in trying it out.

Extra entries are also available if you:
* subscribe to my RSS feed and comment letting me know you did so.
* Blog about the contest and link to the giveaway.
* Non-bloggers can email three of their friends about the contest and CC me on the email. Girl Scout's honor that I will never bother these sweet people. I promise!
* Grab my button and place it on your sidebar, linking to Berrie Sweet Picks. (I'll check!)
* Follow me on Twitter! (nickname: berriesweetest)
Please note all entries MUST include a valid email address to be considered for the drawing! Oh, and sorry, but U.S. and Canadian addressed only on this one!

I'll pick one name at midnight (EST) on Sept. 24 and post their name to PRIZEYWinners and on my sidebar. The winner has four days from the announcement date to contact me, or an alternate winner will be selected.

Good luck and happy cloth diapering!


Kathleen W. said...

I've heard great things about Fuzzi Bunz and would love to try them. Currently I'm doing prefolds and diaper covers but my son is outgrowing the covers, so I'll need to buy something very soon.

My favorite are the solid colors, the sage green and periwinkle are my picks. I'd love to win a gift certificate so I could try out some pocket diapers. Thanks so much!

Kathleen W. said...

I also have your button on my blog sidebar

Amy said...

My friend uses cloth diapers. I am curious to try them, disposables are so expensive. This would be a great way for me to try them out.

I like the solid colors--the blue colors, for my boy. What a great give-away. Keeping fingers crossed!

info (at)sassypinkboutique (dot)com

Amy said...

Button on side bar here

info at sassypinkboutique dot com

Amy said...

Subscribing to posts.

info at sassypinkboutique dot com

Yasmine said...

I wish i knew about this about 8974412365 diapers ago! I thought about using clothe diapers with my twins but i thought it would be a hassle to wash 2x's diapers so i never did try it out. Buying double the diapers among buying double of everything has definitly set up back a bit.
I checked out the site and am really interested in giving these a try! None of my relatives here i know uses clothe diapers, maybe i could get them all to change their mind?!
My two favorite are
Lavender FuzziBunz(for my Daughter)
Periwinkle FuzziBunz(for my son)

Thanks for the review and the giveaway!!

Yasmineo142 AT hotmail DOT com

Yasmine said...

I am already subscribed!
btw your daughter is sooo adorable!!

Yasmineo142 AT Hotmail dot com

Yasmine said...

I also have your button!
Im so happy this is open for canada!

mommy zabs said...

I have really wanted to try cloth diapering, my husband laughed it off, but i would love to give it a go. If i had a free start to it, he couldn't argue it! :)

mommy zabs said...

Following you on twitter

mommy zabs said...

I subscribed to your feed via safari browser

perdy418 said...

we use cloth diapers and right now we're mostly using pockets that i sewed up for my little guy. i'd love just one real one form fuzzi bunz. i love the zoo one in the second quality section!!

Anonymous said...

I love the orange and turquoise diapers. Those are so bright and cheery and when you know what you're about to face when you open it, you can use all the cheer you can get!

Anonymous said...

I subscribe too!

Jessica @ Piece Of Me said...

I would love to start cloth diapering my daughter. We use disposables right now and its costing us a fortune not to mention that we have to take the trash out all the time. We considered it in the beginning but the up front cost was just to much with a new house and a brand new baby. I would love to try the Bubblegum or the Lavender color.

livlifelov at yahoo dot com

Anonymous said...

I like white (I know boring) or sage. I currently use cloth diapers, but have never tried Fuzzi Bunz and would love to try them since I've heard such great things about them.


Reiza said...

I CDed with my others and plan to do it again with the newbie. FB's are my favorites.

Periwinkle is my very favorite.

offthespaceship at myway dot com

Anonymous said...

We use cloth diapers but have never tried Fuzzi Bunz!

The Zoo pattern is really cute and I like the bubblegum pink, periwinkle, orange, etc! I really like all of the colors they offer.

Stacy said...

The butter ones are cute.



love the ocean and the navy ones..they seem to be out of stock on alot of stuff- must sell them out quick''I hate disposables- they are expensive, weigh a ton to carry back and forth (from the store and then to the garbage can)..we have used both though because husband uses the disposable when he is taking care/ he thinks disposable are better

mommyjen99 said...

My favorite is the Bubblegum Fuzzi Bunz. I might be converted, these diapers sound great.

mommyjen99 said...

I just subscribed to your rss reader

Jamie - The Itty Bitty Teacher said...

I love the zoo and ocean styles of diapers. These are so cute. I've tried a couple of diapers so far. I've been trying to make my own, but so far they leak. I've really been wanting to switch to cloth diapers and this would be such a big help in making the transition.

Unknown said...

zoo is my favorite- i love these- they are the only cloth dipes that fit my xl son.

Unknown said...

subscribed to feed

Andrea said...

I have just started iniating the change to cloth diapering and was overwhelmed with the choices. Fuzzibunz is one of the most popular and most loved cloth diapers and I would love to try them on my little guy. I love the zoo and the trains print.
andbjr at

Anonymous said...

My sister just had a baby and I guess this would be the perfect gift for her. I like the bubblegum and aqua colour.

bajpedude at yahoo dot com

Anonymous said...

RSS subscribed

Anonymous said...

I like the sage color :)

We are getting ready to venture into cloth diapering and this would be a great start!

Ames said...

I'm a subscriber :)

Ames said...

I'm a fan of the periwinkle color :) I'm having my first in Nov. and plan on cloth diapering :)

angela said...

I like the sage green solid one.

the sander family said...

I am cloth diapering and I use gDiapers and Dream-Eze but I haven't tried Fuzzy Bunz yet. My little one is getting ready to move into the next size, so I need something new!
I always love pink, so bubblegum is my favorite, of course!

Anonymous said...

I love these, spent forever looking at the site, its a great idea the more you buy the more you save. I might make my pals group together for my shower! (due next year)

My fave is the Zoo!

rhubbert at socal dot rr dot com

Anonymous said...

I subscribe!

rhubbert at socal dot rr com

Anonymous said...

Really love the ocean pattern, we plan to do cloth diapering for economical reasons! - If people only realised how much money they save and the environmental benefits are huge!! (as you've already covered)

cathyhall said...

Hi, really love the trains. - and I believe that cloth diapering is the only way to go. I used "green" disposables on my babba and they just aren't as absorbent as cloth or the regular diapers.

cathyhall said...

I subscribe

lace said...

We don't cloth diaper but I'm very interested in it.

I really like the sage diaper.

hanna said...

I already cloth diaper and mostly use BumGenius. I'd like a few FuzziBunz to add to my collection. My favorite colors are the sage and red and the zoo print.

LadyBug-Kellie said...

I like the Green Fuzzi Bunz!! I am interested in starting to use cloth diapers for my daughter. I tried the chlorine free diapers but they are so rough. Cloth is next on my list!

ladeebug224 at hotmail dot com

Unknown said...

This is the next diaper we're trying! I love the turquoise color!

We've been using cloth for almost a year since our son was about 10 months and since we had our newborn 5 weeks ago.

terraLJones @ gmail dot com

Unknown said...

I subscribed via google reader

Tattin' Kat said...

I'm soon to be a new mom and am contemplating this decision myself. So I would love to try the Fuzzi Bunz. I love the fact that they have some neutral colors!! I especially love the sage green.

mathbook28 at gmail dot com

Buki Family said...

Ive not tried cloth before but would love to try. I love the solids, the sage green color. Great Giveaway!

Xenia said...

Currently we use disposables but I've heard good things about cloth diapering and would love to try it out with the baby I'm having in a few months. My favorites are the bubblegum, lavender, and zoo print.


ThreadBeaur said...

I think I would be interested in trying cloth. I love the orange and yellow fuzzi bunz. They are so bright.

Thanks for the chance to try cloth.

Margie S. said...

I love the Zoo Animals pattern and the turquoise plain color. We're expecting a new baby in April, and I know that I want to use cloth diapers, and all of my friends recommend Fuzzi Bunz. It would be wonderful to have a little jump start on the somewhat daunting task of making sure we have enough diapers from the start. I'm also subscribing to your RSS feed. Thanks for the opportunity!

Rebecca MacLary said...

I currently cloth diaper, using Baby Kangas, Bum Genius, and Happy Heinys as well as prefolds with covers.

I like the white as well as the bubblegum and orange.

Nice name, btw.

Chantelle said...

I love the pink gingham and the ocean patterns. they are super cute! I am now pregnant with our third child and had toyed with the idea of cloth with our second but was never brave enough lol. this time though i am definitely hopping on the bandwagon!

Jeanne said...

I love fuzzi bunz- have used them for about 6 months now- they are sooo much better than "old cloth" diapers. I love the zoo print. Thanks Jeanne

melissad.williams said...

I already cloth diaper, but I have not yet tried Fuzzi Bunz (although I have definitely been meaning to). I really like the orange, yellow, and zoo print ones!

miller lawn service said...

I'm just beginning to explore the world of cloth diapering. I've tried a few kinds, but not Fuzzi Bunz yet. I'd love to give them a try! I like the blue and orange solid colors best. Thanks!

Anonymous said...

I want to cloth diaper so badly! But my DH is not on board. This would enable me to change his mind! Everyone says Fuzzi Bunz are THE best CD's.

I love all the bright colors!


Anonymous said...

I also subscribed to your RSS via Google Reader! :) Love your blog!

Anonymous said...

I'm fairly new to cloth diapering, but fuzzi bunz are our favorites so far! We especially are partial to bubblegum pink for our little princess. We need to move to the next size so this comes at a great time!

Anonymous said...

My husband has been pretty headstrong about the jump to cloth diapers. This would be the perfect opportunity for him to see how great I know they would be, for our daughter and the environment. I like the bubblegum fuzzi bunz. Thank you so much!

The Wehrungs said...

I like the ocean the best. I have cloth diapered my son since the beginning. I have tried several different brands of pockets (haven't tried fuzzi bunz though!) and so far I like Swaddlebees Econappi the best. They are organic and my son has never soaked through them OR had a diaper rash, EVER! I am so PRO-CLOTH! :)

Molly said...

I would love to get the orange fuzzi bunz. I currently cloth diaper, but I use prefolds. I've always wanted to try these. I'd totally get the second quality ones, as long as they work I don't mind superficial defects!
momabr at yahoo dot com

Anonymous said...

OMG I need this so much! I have been on a self-imposed diaper diet and banned myself from DS due to all the money I was spending (though I have been drooling over the gm site...). I fell in love with cloth when my chunky dunk was 2 months old and haven't looked back. I have yet to try Fuzzi Buns, but I love pockets for overnight.

My fave Fuzzi buns are the zoo and the green, so those are the ones I'd get.

Unknown said...

I love the zoo Fuzzi Bunz. Great for a boy or a girl!

I don't currently use cloth diapers. I've been afraid it took too much time.

Anonymous said...

I am following you on twitter!

Lindsey said...

I've been wanting to use cloth diapers for our new baby and have wanted to try FuzziBunz. I really like the solid colors - specifically the blue colors.

big hair betty said...

All 3 of my kids have been cloth diapered, but we've had a diaper service, so it's been easy! I've been thinking about making the switch to washing my own diapers, and saving even more money, we'll see if this little incentive would help push me along! I love the blues: turquoise, sage, and aqua!

Alison at Wardrobe Oxygen said...


Alison at Wardrobe Oxygen said...

I too have heard great things about Fuzzi Bunz and plan on CDing with my baby due in december. I like the bubble gum and the orange - my two favorite colors!

Claire said...

already use cloth mostly - but we use cloth with covers. I would love to try these, and I would start with the green!

Kristie said...

I really like the Zoo and Butter Fuzzi Bunz diapers.
I used cloth diaper for about 4 months with my first (she's 2 now) and now I'm using disposable with my little guy. I used the older cloth diapers that you had to fold and put pins in and had gotten tired of it. If I had known there were other cloth diapering options, I probably would have stuck with it. (I just learned of them recently.)
khmorgan_00 [at] yahoo [dot] com

Laura said...

I love Fuzzi Bunz! We CD and use FuzziBunz at night and when out and about. FB were actually our first pocket diapers - my daughter slept through the night for the first time the very night we first put one on her at 4 months of age. My favorite colors are the orange and turquoise. My daughter loved her bug FB, though I don't see that design on the site anymore, which is too bad because she outgrew it months ago :(

stout family said...

I love their turquoise! I do cloth diaper...I use a similar, yet different, system by Rainforest Babies & LOVE THEM!!! I have been CDing since 2/08!

ashleydstout at

Julia said...

I haven't used Fuzzi Bunz, but would love to give it a shot. I have used G Diapers, which work better with my son than my daughters. But, with only one left in diapers, I'd love to have him out sooner than later! I like the zoo print, but the solids are nice, too. Greens, blues, oranges... Thanks!

Heather Brandt said...

I love the Zoo Fuzzi Bunz! So cute! We are hoping to use cloth diapers with our little boy we are adopting from Russia :)

heatherlbrandt (at) verizon (dot) net

Annie said...

I am much like Kathleen. I am CD'ing already but with prefolds and covers. I have wanted to try Fuzzi buns... glad to hear your review on how much you like them!!

ecky said...

the zoo pattern is really cute.
i already cloth diaper and really love fuzzi bunz. i could definitely add to my stash since my daughter's big thighs seem to be screaming for a switch to larges! thanks!
elkesten at yahoo dot com

Mom said...

I can not tell you how many of my cloth diaper mom friends of mine use Fuzzi Bunz, they can't say enough good things about them.

I love their package deals, but also love the Zoo pattern...too cute!

I don't cloth diaper yet, but will be with the next little one due this late winter and this will help add to my stash that I already have.

thanks for the chance to win!

Anonymous said...

I've got 4 BumGeniuses, 5 Fuzzi Bunz and 6 of the old Thirsties (they were on clearance and I separated the innards from the outards because they take a freakishly long time to dry). I think it is safe to say that pocket diapers rock my world. I need a few more Fuzzi Bunz (they are my favorite - but M likes the velcro and I want him to change the kid occasionally) to round out my stash! For instance, a couple in periwinkle...I don't have any blue in my diaper rainbow.

PS I am following you on the Twitter, and I am adding your feed in Reader. Not just because on the contest either. emily (

Leni said...

We are using cloth diapers when at home and I am feeling good. I like the Aqua Fuzzi Bunz!

eatylor [at] gmail [dot] com

brandyk said...

i plan on cloth diapering my nov/dec baby! turquoise is my fave, but i registered for any color but yellow :)

Anonymous said...

I like the Fuzzi Bunz Diapers and I've never tried cloth diapers


Sara's Goodies said...

I like the Sage color. Our baby is due in a couple weeks, and although I have some disposables on hand thanks to great deals at CVS and Walgreens, I'd really like to try out cloth diapering.

Sara's Goodies said...

Also, I subscribed to your RSS feed :)

perdy418 said...

i subscribed

Maggie Smith said...

I love the aqua, yellow and orange! Wow, these are cute. I currently use disposable diapers on my baby but I have thought about CDing. I just wish I had some to try before I took the leap! This would be amazing! THANKS!!!

Risha said...

I like the bubblegum. I am currently CDing, using mostly prefolds/covers with some BumGenius mixed in. I do have one FuzziBunz. I would like to have more in my rotation, as my DH is not totally sold on CDing yet, and I think he could handle the pockets.

Risha said...

I subscribed to you feed, too!

Annette said...

I love the aqua, and I've been cloth diapering for almost ten years now!

Annette said...

Also, I blogged about you here:

Thanks for entering me!

Jenny said...

I love the orange color, because we are Clemson people and it would look CUTE peeking out from under my daughter's little cheerleader outfit! Also, the seconds look like a great deal. We do cloth diaper, but Suzi is about to outgrow her size medium Bumkins and that will dramatically slash our stash.


Rockin' Mama said...

I really like the Trains Fuzzi Bunz pattern for my son!

We don't use cloth diapers but I've always thought about starting since my son routinely gets diaper rashes. We have been through our share of diapers and I've heard that it's better for their skin

jasonncaryn at yahoo dot com