In case you are new, or (gasp!) forgot, Danielle is the magic behind the "Two Flowers" CD (Azalea Records, $14.00) I reviewed here. Go ahead and take a peek for a quick refresher, but don't forget to head back here for a great interview with the singer I'm totally all Mommy-fan-gushing over right now.
Q.: So tell me a little about your CD and the inspiration behind it.
A.: I suddenly discovered that I was ready to write again, but initially I did not have any plans for which direction I wanted to go. But because being a parent has been such a huge part of my life for the past 8 years or so, I was not surprised that when I sat down at the piano it was these songs that, in a way, just tumbled out.
Q.: So many good ideas never get past the idea phase...how did you make your dream a reality?
A.: I was so fortunate to meet the producer Will Robertson when I did. I was carrying some of these songs around for a while, trying to decide what to do with them. When my path crossed with Will's, I trusted his talent and his approach right away. Trust was a great place to begin.
Q.: I hear the DNA for musical talent runs in your family. Would you mind sharing?
A.: I was definitely fortunate to grow up in a home that celebrated music. My mom is an amazing vocalist, mostly jazz and a little blues. My paternal grandmother was a vocalist as well, and had a celebrated radio show in New Orleans in the early 50's--singing mainly standards. My brother, Pat Sansone, who also lends his talents to 'Two Flowers', knew from an early age that he wanted to spend his life in music. He now spends most of musical time as a member of the alt country icon Wilco.
Q.: What's your favorite of composing lyrics and singing for children?
A.: I love it when a parent comes up to me and tells me how their child loves to sing along to a certain song, or that they find them humming a certain tune all day, or that a parent loves to listen even without the kids around.
I am also facinated by the variety of favorites. I think it's wonderful and amazing how music can speak differently to each one of us--how it can help support existing connections, or even spark new ways to connect to one another.
Q.: Are those your daughters singing with your on the "Two Flowers" CD?
A.: Yes, Aria and Ava Rose. I took them into the studio one afternoon so they could see where I had been spending so much time. I asked them if they wanted to bring their instruments along as well. We ended up with The Sleepy Mile. Aria was excited to experiment, and Will persuaded Ava to sing into the microphone by promising her some playtime with his cat. It was a fun afternoon.
Q.: Glass half empty of half full? Or can you not tell because it already got spilled by one of the kids?
A.: What's in the glass? Water, milk, wine?
Q.: Why do you think your CD hits home with moms and kids
A.: Well, when we got started with this record, we made sure that we weren't going to think too much about who the record was for. Was it for kids, was it for adults, was it for adults with kids? We just wanted to let the songs take us where we needed to go with them--without a specific listener in mind. I like to think that both kids and parents are just responding to its honesty.
Q.: What press have you received since you started? what's the coolest, berrie sweetest press you have gotten to date? (answer carefully....*wink wink*!)
A.: I absolutely adore what you said in your review, "If the love a mother has for her child could be described as a sound, it would be Danielle Sansone's CD." That put a really big smile on my face, so thank you!
Q.: Five more words: Describe my blog. (shameless, I know. But that is why you love me.)
A.: fun, smart, informative, cutting-edge, pink (I thought if was so bold of you to change the 'Two Flowers' cover art to match your blog!)
Q.: The best part of being a mom? And what's the hardest?
A.: Best part--the hugs. Hardest--seeing your child in pain.
Q.: If you could have one mommy superpower, what would it be?
A.: I would love to have the ability to stay completely present and totally focused on the moment at all times--no matter who I am with.
Q.: What's on the menu for dinner tonight? (and can I come over?)
A.: Veggie tacos and we'd love to have you--6:00 p.m. Please bring Buttercup!
Q.: Where can my readers find you online?
A.: You can always visit me at www.daniellesansone.com
Q.: Berrie Blast (read: final thoughts)
A.: Thank you Pauline for getting in touch. I am honored to be a berrie sweet pick!!
Danielle is wonderful, isn't she? Yeah, I'm totally mom-crushin'!
Oh, and "Two Flowers" officially debuts on September 23, so get your credit card out and order one. You can thank me later.
Don't forget to visit next week for my Tuesday Ten interview with Robin Shane, co-owner of Go Baby!
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