Let me be the first to say that I hate the commercially driven need to begin celebrating every holiday six months early. It seriously drives me insane when I hear "Jingle Bells" on the store speakers while I try to plan for Halloween (in August, of course.)
But me and my fragile mental state are neither here nor there. But what does matter is that while I might tweak out because of seeing a Christmas tree display next to the Halloween costumes, I'm not above doing my part in the spirit of the holidays.
Remember my Primo water bottles review here? In case you're new, the short story is that the bottles are made from plants grown in the United States and are totally renewable.
Genius, I know.
Well, I had a genius moment of my own when I approached Primo reps about offering a berrie kickin' contest for one winner to walk with ten cases (yeah, you read that right...TEN CASES) of Primo water bottles to be used to pass out on Halloween!
Think about it: the childhood obesity epidemic is still a major factor, and every little thing we can do as parents and adults setting healthier examples is something we need to try to embrace. And what could be better than water to quench the thirst of the trick-or-treaters and their parents with eco-friendly bottled water? Just do me a favor if you win and ask that they recycle their Primo bottles, okay?
To be considered for the random drawing, leave me a comment telling me why you'd like to offer a healthier Halloween for the kids in your neighborhood, and of course, in your family.
Extra entries are also available if you:
* subscribe to my RSS feed and comment letting me know you did so.
* Blog about the contest and link to the giveaway.
* Non-bloggers can email three of their friends about the contest and CC me on the email. Girl Scout's honor that I will never bother these sweet people. I promise!
* Grab my button and place it on your sidebar, linking to Berrie Sweet Picks. (I'll check!)
* Follow me on Twitter! (nickname: berriesweetest)
Please note all entries MUST include a valid email address to be considered for the drawing! Oh, and sorry, but US entries only on this one!
I'll pick one name at midnight (EST) on Sept. 19 and post their name to PRIZEYWinners and on my sidebar. The winner has four days from the announcement date to contact me, or an alternate winner will be selected. Please note that shipping may take 2-4 weeks.
Good luck and healthy Trick-or-treating!
1 – 200 of 220 Newer› Newest»WHAT a cool idea for Halloween, I don't do the candy thing so this would be great and the kids woould love it if it were cool for them too...kids need to be introrduced to healthier things and sometimes parents are not aware or cannot afford or since they have not heard it would be a great advertising boonus...
What a great idea! My hubby is in dental school, so the thought of passing out sugary treats just about kills him! This would be so great!
This is GREAT!! Seriously, this is the best contest! I'd love to give out bottles of water because I think that it's something that won't end up in the trash. It will actually be consumed! I know that most of the goodies that my son gets from Trick or Treating goes in the trash. I think parents would think that a bottle of water would be a great thing. Plus, I'll take pictures and post it on my blog. :)
I'm following you on Twitter...I'm Seeryus.
I've subscribed via Google reader.
I've got your button (and it links back to you!) on my sidebar!
Every year we throw away more candy than we eat because I only let my kids have a little each day. If we gave out water maybe other parents would follow the example and let their kids have less junk.
I live in a complex. There are 50 apts/homes. Our neighbors (1/4mile down road) are another complex with 20 apts/homes. At Halloween my real neighbor (2 doors down lol) and I MAKE the kids things. Last year was hats, year before that mittens, this year is scarfs. She knits, I sew (fleece). Anyways... I think it is GREAT to offer water! With all the candy the children get at the least it will help rinse it off their teeth and help get the candy out of their system faster! lol Great choice of giveaway!!
Good luck all!
This is AWESOME, you are stilling telling the world about PRIMO WATER! HOORAY FOR YOU!!!I would love to win this! Halloween would be a perfect time to brag on how great this water is and to spread the word that the bottles are plant based. We all would be doing the world a favor to spread the word about the plant based bottles and how much better it would be for the enviroment.
1. I subscribed to your RSS feed.
2. I brag about this giveaway at: http://quicktattletail.blogspot.com/
3. I put you on my blog-roll.
4. I joined twitter to follow your blog.
kids get too much candy as it is...this would be good to give away, and little toys would be good too!
because it would be better for them
I'd love to give out healthier traeats this year, and I'd sure love it if my kids brought home less junk when they came home from Trick-or-Treating. This is a great idea1 cdziuba@aol.com
I am following you on twitter now
Is it halloween already? Primo Water sounds like an interesting choice - great review.
I like to give out healthy treats that can be used as snacks and for lunches. Some choices in the past:
-lunch box sugar free juice
-fruit snacks
-granola bars
-containers of apple sauce
-tinned fruit cans (ie. pineapple)
I think Halloween is fun, but it can also be healthy.
When my son comes home with his treats, we sort through everything. I look for healthy treats and save them for his lunches. Then we divide up the candy. He is allowed a little bit, then we donate the rest to his classroom as not all the kids are allowed out on halloween.
We need to model our behaviour in giving out healthy snacks at home, school and community! Healthy kids, been healthy lifestyles and choices!
Thank you
I am RSS fed!
well for 1 water would be great for the kids to rinse all the sugar off their teeth after eating all the candy! and well, if they are anything like me when I was little, I would have been thrilled to get something as big as a water bottle! In all seriousness, Kids and their parents need to wake up and realize they are the only people that can make a true difference, schools can help, but it all starts and ends at home. Skim or 1 % milk, celery with PB, Instead of cookies, that is a cheap snack. etc etc. thanks for such a fantastic contest! I promise they can use our recycling bins if they don't have them!
I am kagey10 on twitter, sorry I left that out.
This is a good idea, the thought of all the waste year after year because my girls can't eat all the candy they collect. Not to mention all the saved calories! Way to go.
I love the idea of passing out a healthy bottle of water! I believe it would set a positive example to other parents and neighbors for next year!anglesmr@gmail.com
Great idea!! So much better than candy.
rebbi511 at peoplepc.com
I believe the Halloween candy consumption thing has gotten way out of hand. Water would be a great option
I subscribed to your feed. Luv to win this.
contact susan wiener swiener1[at]tampabay.rr.com
This is wonderful! I'm sure not a very original reason...but I think giving away Primo Water for Halloween would just rock! Not only would it be a great alternatve to the mounds of candy kids will already be getting, but it will let me pass on my water obsession! And, while not candy, my kids often most love the things that stands out from the rest. So maybe this will just make them take notice and create a spark in those sweet little sugar brains of theirs!
I give away Christian tracts with Lifesavers, and I'd love to give something away that symbolizes Christ, like water.
Jesus answered, "Everyone who drinks this water will be thirsty again, 14 but those who drink the water I give them will never thirst. Indeed, the water I give them will become in them a spring of water welling up to eternal life."
I would like to win and give the children around here something healthy because I live in a mobile home park and the kids here don't get very many things, let alone healthy ones.
Candy is good to eat not good for teeth though even if it is traditional! Water would be nice to give out!
Now that's a unique idea but would it catch on?We've got to get away from giving out sweets upon sweets to children at Halloween or anytime.
A sweet fruit is tops for Halloween though kids might not agree. Please accept my entry.
I would like to offer a healthier Halloween for the kids and my family because they will gets tons of candy, and it would be great to introduce them to something that is good for them.
Thank you!
janetfaye (at) gmail (dot) com
I am subscribed to your feed.
janetfaye (at) gmail (dot) com
lawd ah mercy...these kids around here already bounce off the walls and it is not even halloween.
This would be much more nicer to give out for our neighborhood sanity :o)
I blogged this giveaway.
I'd love to hand these out at halloween. I've thought about passing out toothbrushes before. I don't mind snacks & sweets, but in moderation!
Your banner is on my sidebar.
What a great contest! My husband is a teacher at the local school, so just about every kid that comes to our door knows him. It would be wonderful to set a good, healthy example with this treat, and I'd bet most kids would actually get excited that it was a "big" item. What a great alternative to candy!
pckrfan (at) gmail.com
I think healthier treats are better because they get enough candy from everyone else. I give out granola bars, raisins, and Ritz Cheese Cracker treats. I had not thought of giving bottled water, but it is a good idea.
This is great. We do quarters instead of candy and this would be a great alternative.
What a wonderful idea for Halloween. Over the past year or two, our whole family has become more health concious. The kids now drink water, even pack it in their lunches, instead of fruit juices and fruit boxes. In addition, our kids also now eat "healthy snacks" verses sweets and junk food. At first it was a bit of an adjustment (and fight) for them to change their ways, but now if given a choice they choose water or healthy snacks.
What a great prize this is! I'd love this idea not only for the trick or treaters, but also for my kids classroom parties.
Thanks so much for this giveaway.
I'm trying to be healthier and want to help others-especially children to form better habits.
I would never have thought of bottled water for treats.
I'd love to hand these out to th ekids in our apartment complex, we always get a bunch knocking on our door and I never have candy (because if we buy it, my hubby and I will munch it) so this would be fab. Plus, where we live it is still hot and humid on October 31st, so this would be very appropriate!
because my kids eat too much sugar and junk as it is and we always have candy left over from the last year (or more!)
This sounds like a great idea as kids get enough candy during Halloween.
Your berrie sweet button is on my blog sidebar - and it links back to you!
not passing out sweets is a great idea
I purchased this water and besides the fact that it's delicious, it's bottles are made from corn and are degradable back into the earth--so they are green and our earth needs that!
I think it is a great idea to give out items that are much better for Halloween. I knew of a man who would give out toothbrushes for Halloween (he was a dentist). Water is a good idea to give to kids (they may get thirsty with all of the trick or treating). I'm sure the parents would appreciate the effort, too.
What a nice way to set a good, healthy example!
What a great idea for Halloween. A healthy substitute for all that candy! pms3237@aol.com
I have been giving trinkets instead of candy for years. I am liking the water idea.
THis is a nice idea. Candy is not healthy, this is original. :)
As a kid I would get thirsty while trick or treating, so this is an awesome idea! Plus it is guarantted to be consumed, I know we still have candy from last Halloween, because we believe in strict moderation when it comes to candy!
I am a subscriber!
All of that candy the kids bring home drives me nuts -- just no reason for the over indulgence. Last year we passed out organic fruit gummies and can you believe some kids actually said no when they saw them? hooray for a healthier option!
tvollowitz at aol dot com
Water is a great idea - what about those EnviroKidz snack bars - yummy and good for you! Or Quaker Granola bars.
I suppose you'll make it cheaper for the winner to give away water on Halloween!
subscribed to your rss feed to my google homepage!
We tried this water when we evacuated to Flordia during Gustav. What a great idea!!! This would be great to give out for Haloween in new orleans.
nolaiyana at yahoo dot com
well you know the kids are going to get a lot of candy, so the question is, what can I give that is not candy, but won't disappoint them? I have found that money works! Get a roll of quarters and let someone else buy the sugar!
This is a great idea. The kids are required to bring bottled water to school now to avoid too many trips to the drinking fountain. I would love to give these out and save the sugar for someone else
I would like to offer the kids a healthy halloween because kids are getting cavity's way too young and giving water would be a great idea the little ones will be thristy after all that sugar.Coco540@yahoo.com
I have become more and more aware of the negative effects of eating poorly so in the last year we've completely changed the way we eat. We feel more energized, stronger and more mentally sharp because of it. I can't see how contributing candy to kids (although it's fun) and encouraging unhealthy choices is a wise decision and I love the idea of giving out Primo Water!
Almost all kids are eating too much junk. I'd just like to do my small part to help change that.
The kids around here are constently running around eating chocolate bars and bags of chips while my kids eat baby carrots and celery sticks. Perhaps this could be the first step in introducing the other children to something healthier. They certainly will not eat the carrots when they come over!
This would be great to pass to kids at Halloween because kids get enough sweets and sugary items during this time. It would make a great alternative to pass out. I also think it would be consumed by the kids. My family likes to drink tap and bottled water. I think it would be great to pass the message that water is good for you.
give the trick-or-treaters comic books instead of candy, rot their brains instead of their teeth
I am sure many parents would be grateful for the healthy alternative, plus it would be good for the kids to be able to drink water while out walking to collect other treats.
wowza Im away just a month or 2 and now your getting 70 comments per post. You go girl!
Id love to offer water, nothing beats a refreshing bottle of cold water!
i would like to have healthier treats for the simple fact that we have to many fat kids
This is a wonderful idea! I would tie orange and black ribbons from the tops of them and add a little spider ring.. I think that would be adorable! The kids get way too much candy anyways. I think this would be a cute treat!
hebert024 at aol dot com
this would be so much better
its better and heathier for them.
what a wonderful idea,thanks.
After going 'more healthy' in my own home and all of us feeling so much better...I think that it is a wonderful idea to 'pass this along' at Halloween...healty lives lead to better lives...and feeling great. THANKS
Hi again...am a subscriber. THANKS
Have you on my sidebar at
Kids might be disapointed with a healthy treat,but in the long run it would be better for them.
What a great idea for halloween. I love the product and the idea.
I haven't bought candy for Halloween in a long time - we hand out bags of pretzels or goldfish. I'd love to hand out this water to the kids
Awesome! Very cool idea to have some H20 handy for treats for the kids. I"ll be doing my part to help with this obesity epidemic, without taking the joy of the kids treat day.
I think children have too many sweets and I don't want to be a party to it. Last year I gave toothbrushes for halloween. The kids may not appreciate it, but I am sure the parents would love it if I gave bottled water!
Kids get too much candy, I'd love to give this instead! It's a great option!
We have for years given up on the traditional treats at halloween. I opted for school supplies. I never thought of water but it is a great idea.
This is a great idea. A bottle of water goes much further than candy. This would be a great treat chilled in a container of ice for the night of Halloween.
This is a great treat for kids! Not only is it good for them, but candy makes you thirsty!
Lately I've been thinking a lot about our entire family living a more healthy lifestyle so we can be around a lot time for each other! Even small changes like water instead of candy for Halloween can make a big difference. Kids get enough candy and junk for Halloween so this would be a nice alternative.
shelleyfrost61 {at} hotmail {dot} com
this would be great, you won,t feel bad by giving the kids candy, plus the kids will love it
different natural sealed thirst quencher great idea
Very nice idea, no worries about tainted candy, etc.
Giving out water instead of candy is a brilliant idea. I have a 6 year old granddaughter, and I am concerned about her eating the wrong kinds of foods.
Halloween or anytime, kids need a more healthy lifestyle.
water is always good
With America's youth getting bigger and bigger a holiday to celebrate gorging ourselves on candy isn't going to help. Don't get me wrong I love Halloween, but anything I can to to celebrate in a healthier manner is great. It is something different and it is something even the adults can enjoy. Especially in the south were Halloween nights can sometimes be muggy. What would be better than walking the block with your children, knowing you had some ice cold refreshment waiting for you at the next house.
We have enough candy without have a separate day for more. The idea of dressing up can make it fun in itself.
berri berri
I love this idea and I have you on my sidebar, thanks
I think most of us want to eat healthy but can't afford it nowdays so the perfect Halloween treat would be Primo Water!
We really dont get kids anymore for trick and treating and my kids are to old anyway I would really like the water
What a neat contest! This would be such a great alternative to give to the kids in my neighborhood besides candy. Kids get way too much candy as it is, I would feel so much better givng them something healthy. Thanks so much for a great opportunity!
Amazing idea for halloween!! I tend to give out little goody bags without candy - with little toys or something instead.
I love the idea of handing out bottled water.My thing was going for pencils and erasers. Water is much better.And they shall love your water. Thank you for the idea.
What kiddie doesn't like a refreshing drink after running around the neighborhood!
Studies already confirm that we as a country are "obese". Let's take our bodies back and start teaching kids that candy isn't the only treat out there.
This is great instead of candy
This is one of the best ideas I have heard in years. What a great concept to pass out healthy bottled water. Plus the safety factor would be an added plus. Yes a big yes count me in for this. Thank you so much for the wonderful chance!
I'm a subscriber
I would love to start good eating habits for all the children in my life!
ajcmeyer AT go DOT com
Great, great idea for Halloween!! I'd love to inspire other homes in the neighborhood to pass out healthier options. We might be the only house on the block this year but next year, who knows . . .
bottles of water.
That is a pretty interesting idea for halloween. The neighborhood I live in now probably wouldn't be too bad for this idea, but the neighbor kids where I grew up probably would have teepeed our house if we gave out water. I love how the plastic is made from corn instead of oil too! Thanks for the contest!!
This would not only provide a healthy alternative to candy, but help spread the word to other homes about Primo!
This is a great idea. I'm not sure how they would take it, but it's much better than candy.
there's enough candy going around.
the kids need something healthy cause halloween means nothin but candy and cavities
I'd love to do this because I adore making kids happy by giving them Halloween treats, but I feel guilty about passing out unhealthy things. Normally I stick with raisins, but this would be a great change!
urchiken at gmail dot com
This is a great idea.
I think this is a great idea. Every year my son would go out and get a ton of candy and then we would throw it away! What a waste. I'd much rather he get something healthier.
I think this is a great idea. Every year my son would go out and get a ton of candy and then we would throw it away! What a waste. I'd much rather he get something healthier.
What a great idea! I love having an alternative to giving out candy.
I forgot my email Lindad4 at cox dot net
because I am fed up with junk food and would love a healthier alternative!
OK. I have my Halloween plan in place now thanks to you - whether I win or not. I live in a neighborhood which reflects all walks of life - economically, racially, religiously, politically and we really get into Halloween. This will send an important message to kids and parents alike.
Our weather for Halloween is very mild- and sometimes warm. Instead of the trick-or-treating kids that grab the soda, they can grab the water. It's more healthy, and can give them that boost of energy!
i would love to as it not only will help prevent obesity but also hopefully save them a trip to the dentist with cavities. we can each do our part to help this worthy cause. thanks for this great giveaway! yyeres at gmail dot com
Having teeth problems as I do I really would like to like to offer a healthier Halloween to all kids!!
Thank you
I have friends who won't let their kids trick or treat just for this reason so I have special treats for their kids, healthy ones.
I see way too many kids waddling around
I live in a neighborhood with lost of apartments and too many kids eating unhealthy foods
I would like to offer a healthier Halloween because the candy gets out of control!
I think the kids would honestly like something different than the normal candy and it'll get them to drink more water at the same time.
I think this is a wonderful idea. I had already been thinking about giving out little bags of pretzels for halloween.
Every year I try to come up with another idea for Halloween that is healthy and that the kids won't just toss in the trash when they get home. The water is a great idea! And when they get tired of walking, they've got a refreshing drink. Thanks for the chance to win your great giveaway!
proudyaya04 {at] yahoo {dot} com
I subscribe to your feed!
proudyaya04 {at} yahoo {dot} com
Kids really dont need all that junk food ,,,if I can substitute healthy but still have fun then I do it.
Great idea! I'd love to give this out for my complex... there are so many little kids, I absolutely hate the idea of them eating so much candy
This would be great treat.
Children need to start eating better and not just sweets. With childhood obesity on the rise fruit and cereal bars would be such a fine alternative for trick or treaters that visit my house.
Great way to wash down the sugar.
Wow, this is the best Halloween Treat I can think of. Thank you so much for offering this delightful alternative to tooth rot.
We have a real obesity problem with some of your young in America and I'd love to see more healthy alternatives to give at Halloween, and they'll be thirsty from all that walking. Thank you!
Fun idea! Thanks! Enter me, please!
jeanne at jeannewinters dot com
This is great. As a kid, I had so many cavities that had to get filled, and the candy was the culprit. Plus, the kids in the neighborhood get so hyped up on the candy. They're horrendous for a whole week!
aarmatthews at yahoo dot com
This is a great contest and it would be such a treat to have all that water and be able to treat the kids with it!! Nothing is better than a good fresh apple and some clean good tasting water!!
eating well is soo important, this would be something for kids to remember
I want to offer the local neighborhood kids a healthier selection because I notice a lot of heavyset youngsters that can barely walk.
Thank you for having this! This is such a fantastic idea! I would love to win to be able to pass out at halloween as we are the typical candy bar house but this would be even better and I bet the kids would love it as well as Im sure with all that walking they would love a good bottle of water to keep them going. Thank you!
I think it would be a wonderful thing to give out instead of candy. Having seen how much candy my kids end up with this is a great healthy alternative.
What a wonderful idea. I haven't been giving out candy for the last few years. I have been giving out glowsticks instead, and the kids just love them. I would love to win the water to pass out along with the glowsticks.
This is a fantastic idea. This would really be a change from candy and make kids and parents think about what they need to be doing.
Well, this may not be what you had in mind, but I live in a college town, where everyone drinks plenty of alcohol. Instead of providing alcohol, I could provide them with delicious bottled water, which will keep them hydrated on Halloween, when most college teens get dehydrated and pass out.
I grew up in a small country town and my mom worked for a dentist (a few towns in) and every Halloween she would hand out tooth brushes and toothpaste for Halloween. As a child I was mortified but as and adult I am very proud of her now and wish I was more like her. I haven't yet reached the toothbrush/toothpaste stage but healthy treats are a great idea.
I would rather pass out water instead of candy. Cause there is just too much candy being passed out.
why wouldn't I want it to be healthier for all? thanks!
We don't get a lot of trick or treaters around our house each year, but do end up getting a few of the local kids and then of course the teenagers who are just out looking for free candy. So, last year a few of us on the block who are friends got together and decided to give something besides candy. One house who has a dentist there gave toothbrushes, another gave coloring books, another gave crayons and I ordered some little animals & dinasours in bulk online. Afterward we all got together and discussed the evening before and it seemed that most of the kids were thrilled with what we handed out except for the older kids who really shouldn't of been out trick or treating anyway. We are going to attempt this again this year and if I won this would be a terrific thing to give out as well.
beausdorei at gmail dot com
Candy has almost no nutritional value, it truly is junk food! The worst thing we could give to growing bodies!
Great idea. We've always passed out candy-alternatives.
I try to be the house that hands out something different for Halloween, and the kids don't think of water as healthy, they love their own bottle of water. Plus, all that walking makes them thirsty. I have given trick or treaters drinks before because they were "parched"...
I think it would be very refreshing and a change of pace to receive a healthier treat option on Halloween. The water would definitely help wash down some of that candy that the kids will be receiving from all the other houses. We get so many trick or treaters that I'm sure this will beign to send some subtle or not so subtle messages to some of the kids and their families. Who really needs a gazillion pieces of candy anyway?
very cool!! My daughter doesn't go out for halloween and we live in a complex where we don't get kids coming through - however we could share these at girl scouts or our homeschool co-op or youth group!
I know when the tricker treaters arrive at my door they are always hot and thirsty. I never thought of handying out water bottles. Over the years I have stopped handing out candy and hand out packs of sugarless Trident gum.
tamben7996(at) AOL DOT COM
i'm a registered dietitian, and worked with overweight kids and families - so i'm all for healthy halloween options!
I would like to offer a healthier Halloween for the kids in our neighborhood because I am constantly explaining to my own 3 children why they cannot eat sweets and candy and now I can show them by example that they are not the only children who need to eat healthy snacks. What kind of example would I be demonstrating to my children if I pass out candy to all the neighborhood kids and then turn around and tell my own kids they can't have any. We as parents need to be great role models for our children and this is one very good opportunity to demonstrate to them by our actions. BTW - I love Primo Water!! Whenever possible I really like to serve it to my family of 5! Sometimes if we are on a tight budget I have to pass on it, but it is a favorite in our home! Thank you for the inspiring Halloween giveaway!
Because it's nice to offer kids a healthier alternative.
What a nice way to set a good, healthy example! Thanks!!!
I think that it is a great idea. As a teacher it shocks me to see how much cany kids get. I think they would like the water because some are probably thirsty from the walk. I know my niece tries to go to 150 houses.
So much better for the trick or treaters . I think it is a great idea.
Healthy is great, and for those who eat the chocolate, one needs water to drink afterward!
That's a great idea! I've been trying to think of healthier options that won't get our house egged, and this is really cool.
water is a great idea-I noticed last year some people were giving out small toys, stickers and tatoos
tiramisu392 (at) yahoo.com
I love the idea of giving bottled water for Halloween! It's often still warm in Florida, costumes are hot, and candy is sticky. If I don't win, I'm going out and get a flat of water bottles to hand out.
I would MUCH rather pass out something healthy for Halloween - this is a super idea! I think kids get way too much candy for Halloween (and other holidays), and maybe they could learn to try something different.
I would like to offer healthier treats because too much candy is not good for kids (or adults)Obesity is on the rise and I don't want to contribute to it. We are trying to eat healthier in our family as well. Thanks for the giveaway!
braaisjo at gmail dot com
I know that my kids get thirsty when they're out getting all those candies and sweets. I would love to give my kids and other kids some healthy to drink to rinse all that sugar off their little toofies. hehe. thanks for the great idea.
We love water, Primo water looks and sounds really good.
Great idea! The last thing that kids need around here is more candy!
That is such a great idea!
Our neighborhood always has a huge party, full of every sugary drink/candy/snack you could imagine, on top of trick-or-treating. I HATE it!
I don't let my kids eat or drink much junk, and I think this would be an awesome way to reinforce that!
Plus, it's usually about 90 degrees here on Halloween (I'm dead serious! I remember being all sweaty and gross in my costumes when I was little) so kids really need a drink of water while they're out doing all that walking.
I was a fat kid growing up (and still am) and I really wished there was someone to teach me how to eat right back then. I want to give away healthy treats for Halloween so kids don't grow up to be like me.
I always try to hand out something a little healthier...last year it was packs of sugar-free gum, the year befor microwave popcorn. This would be great.
Thanks for the giveaway!
the kids end up with a lot of sweets...its great to have a couple healthy things in their bags...this is a great idea
This is a great idea, I hand out some candy but I would rather give something thats not so sugary. I think animal crackers, sugar free gum or candy is wonderful. This is a great idea, thanks for the entry.
kids don't need as much sugar so this would be perfect
This is a great idea- these kids get way too many sweets! This might encourages to give out something healthier as well
Great idea! I help my mom on Halloween because we get so many kids and spend about $70.00 for candy every year. I really like the idea of giving them a bottle of water.I think the kids will like getting the water also. Count me in to this wonderful contest
I subscribe matternu@aol.com
great idea....one could also give toothbrushes intime@myself.com
What a fabulous idea! My kiddos always get thirsty while going from house to house on Halloween and I know that with most kids, the Primo Water would get opened quickly. I would definitely hand it out already chilled. Thanks for the chance to win such a terrific Halloween treat!
My son (4yrs) still has candy from last Hallows Eve because I simply don't think he needs tons of sugar. He actually on his own likes healther food choices. So I was already trying to decide what we could give out this year and water is a great idea. Needs some ribbons or such to make it more Halloweenie. The kids here always have candy year round (to my horror) and so this would be one less piece of candy for them... wiicked13 [at] yahoo [dot] com
Because candy is not the only thing out there for treats. Granola bars are great too..
I think this is a good idea to give bottle water out instead of candy, I just moved into this area and a great way to get to know the neighbors and I drink alot of water every day and feel better doing that.
What a great idea! A healthier halloween would be great. We will probably give out raisens.
This would so rock, no one would be told nope can't have water it's not good for you, and the little trick-or-treaters get very thirsty when making the rounds- I know as a parent and Gigi I'd love to see more people offer healthier alternatives.
With all the new guidelines in our county the only thing safe to give the kids at school parties is water. This would be great for that.
Since I have a small shop in a small shopping mall, we host a Halloween shop-to-shop party for kids as a safe way for them to trick or treat without going to strange houses and getting strange treats. We usually try to do something healthy (like fruit or sugarfree candy) but THIS would be the ultimate!! And with 10 cases, I would probably have enough to give parents too, so that they could see how beneficial Primo Water can be for the whole family. GREAT IDEA!!
This would be soo great! We live in a desert so the kiddos get really thirsty quick. Sooo much better than a bunch of sugar and way healthier! Thanks for the contest!
I would definitely give out bottles of water for Halloween. My kids always wanted to open stuff while we were out trick-or-treating. I always had to carry something for them to drink. Bottled water is something the kids can drink while they are out, and the parents do not have to worry about checking it.(As long as the seal is not cracked) What an awesome idea. Save a few teeth.
In our city parades, some groups hand out water bottles, but I never thought about doing it for Halloween! Great idea - I'd love to try it!
My 11 yr. old grandson would rather drink water than soda thankfully. I always try to give out healthy snacks for Halloweedn. Boxes of raisins, etc.
Giving out water would be great.
PLEASE COUNT ME IN ON THIS AWESOME GIVEAWAY :)i never thought of this what a great idea..im sure the kids would love getting something different :)
What a great idea for Halloween
With the ready availability of sugary, no-nutrition soft drinks, I'd love to make great water more available both to my family and to the Trick-or-Treaters.
Halloween is often full of sugar. I make it better by having a glow in the dark game on the lawn for the kids rather than lots of candy.
I have started my family on a healthier lifestyle by drinking water and I think it is a great idea to pass water out to trick and treaters at Halloween. garrettsambo@aol.com
Kids get way too much sweet calorie laden candy for Halloween. This is such a cool idea.
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