It's time for another round of Tuesday Ten here at Berrie Sweet Picks! Today's featured mom-praneur is Denee Forbes, forward-thinking momma who took matters into her own hands when she designed pregnancy-friendly body jewelry.
Pretty Sweet, huh? And check out her awesome pic, taken at 34 weeks, sportin' her own goods!
And read on to learn more.
Q.: So tell me a little about your company and the inspiration behind it.
A.: Pregnancy Piercings is all about helping women who have navel rings keep there piercing through pregnancy. I sell flexible Maternity Navel Jewelry that allows pregnant women to do just that. When I was pregnant for my daughter in 2001 I came up with a product and design that worked for me and my first thought was "there has to be other women like me who want to keep there piercing too" so there began my search to find those women. It started with my personal experience and now in 2008 has grown to be a resource for pregnant women with navel rings. I love adding real testimonials and pictures of my happy customers to my website.
Q.: Five words. Describe yourself. Go!
A.: Determined, Strong, Unique, Organized, Multi-Tasker
Q.: Why do you think your products hit home with moms?
A.: So many moms these days don't want to loose part of there identity just because they become a mom. The modern mom wants it all (and why not have it all? We're worth it.)
Q.: What press have you received since you started? What's the coolest, berrie sweetest press you have gotten to date? (answer carefully....*wink wink*!)
A.: Early on there was a story written in Business week and recently. Pregnancy Magazine wrote an article finally showing women there is help out!
Q.: The best part of being a mom? And what's the hardest?
A.: The best part is the laugh's and seeing them play, love and grow. If your a mom you know your heart can't feel any fuller then seeing your little ones safe and happy. The hardest part for me is changing diapers (I won't miss that!)
Q.: If you could have one mommy superpower, what would it be?
A.: I wish I would snap my fingers and a nice healthy homemade dinner would appear.
Q.: Sneaky chef or eat-those-veggies-now! What's your parenting style?
A.: My kids are funny they love broccoli and green beans (no need to force feed)
Q.: What's on the menu for dinner tonight? (and can I come over?)
A.: Probably Chicken or if all else fails.... Pizza.
Q.: Where can my readers find you online?
Q.: Berrie Blast (read: final thoughts.
A.: If you know someone who has a navel ring tell them about Help me spread the word... You CAN keep your piercing through pregnancy!
You have been awarded!
this was a great article I didn't even know about the site it's a great idea to make "mommy jewelry" :)
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