What happens when the kids get sick? Oh yeah...aside from the world stopping so Mommy can make it all better?
And what happens when Mommy gets sick? Oh yeah...Mommy's aren't supposed to get sick! And when we do, we have to drag our unappy rumps out of bed to make lunches, kiss boo boos, find dollies, and make dinner.
Just don't get me started on what happens when daddy gets sick. ;)
The bottom line is that super hero moms like us need a little bit of extra immune support when it comes to keeping healthy. We make the world go 'round, after all, and Sambucol with natural black elderberry is here to help.
I'm a big fan of homeopathic remedies, and black elderberry has a long history of being relied upon for the treatment of colds, flu, burns, fever, and everything in between from the plague to toothaches. Medicinal uses have even been traced back to prehistoric times, which says a lot to me.
And with health buzzwords like "antioxidants" showing up in ads for juice commercials and more, it's important to point out that black elderberry beats out blueberries and cranberries hands down...and that's big news when it comes to immune support to help fight viruses.
We got to try Sambucol Original($14.99 for a 4 oz bottle), which was my favorite. It tastes good and I can vouch for the fact that I did not get sick once while I was downing my daily dosage, even though everyone else I knew was! I gave the Sambuxol for kids ($14.99 for a 4 oz bottle for kids ages 2-12) to my 3 year old nephew, and he was happy to munch on the tasty chewables. I wasn't too crazy about the Sambucol chewables ($14.99 for 30 tablets) for adults because they dried my mouth out for some crazy reason.
The Sambucol products are available nationwide health food stores, such as Vitamin Shoppe, pharmacy chains like Rite Aid, Walgreens, and CVS and online at drugstore.com.
So who wants an immune boost of their own? One lucky reader gets to win a gift bag with all three of the Sambucol products reviewed here. Just leave me a comment telling me how your family handled it the last time you got sick and you are entered!
Entries will be accepted until midnight (mountain time!), April 9, 2009 and the winners will have four business days from the announcement date to contact me with their information or an alternate will be selected.
Additional extra entries are also available if you:
* Become a fan of Berrie Sweet Picks on Facebook
* subscribe to my RSS feed and comment letting me know you did so.
* Blog about contest and link to this post.
* Non-bloggers can email three of their friends about the contest at berriesweet.info (at) gmail (dot) com and CC me on the email. Girl Scout's honor that I will never bother these sweet people. I promise!
* Grab my Berrie Sweet Picks button and place it on your blog page. I'll check!
* Follow me on Twitter! (nickname: berriesweetest)
* Tweet the contest and leave a comment with your username telling me what you said to your "tweeple"!
* Vlog about the contest and post at www.newbaby.com!
Please note all entries MUST include a valid email address to be considered for the drawing! That means that well, all entries must include an email address to be considered valid. Simple enough, right? ;)
We handle it by staying home, taking it easy, and drinking lots of fluids.
It was very hard. I felt like I was dying, because I had 2 B supermom, and carry on.
we ate out and used paper products to eat off of mverno@roadrunner.com
I am always prepared to get sick by having crockpots of food precooked..but they don't handle- the laundry piles up and they eat alot of cereal and scare the crap out of me by walking up to the edge of the bed and standing silently for a second to see if i am asleeep- so then i have a heart attack...lets put it this way they are totally lost as they know even when sick mom gets up and does what she can so everyone is taken care of even if death is knocking on my door.
With a For year old and a 10 year old- well, my husband wimped out and called for backup- his mom took the kids while I was laid up.
My hubby is useless when I am not there to tell him what to do. I am sick and useless. The dishes pile up. Food is ... fast food. I just want to sleep.
Sambucol has helped in the past, I believe in it.
following our blog TES283
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They didn't like it.
Hi, What a nice prize. Last time I was sick, my husband made homemade chicken soup for me with french bread/butter and sweet brewed iced tea by the pitcher fulls. This made me feel so comforted, loved, and better quicker. Which was good. My kids left a nice mess for me. hee hee. Thanks, Stefanie Hartman fhartman@frontiernet.net
Last time we got sick, we made chicken soup, thanks.
We went to the doctor and got meds
I'm ill right now and taking antibiotics.
annabell_lee_dk (at) yahoo.com
They don't handle it. Everything stops.
I sit around and whine a lot!
last time we took turns, lol...first my toddler, then my baby, then me, and then hubby...we got lucky, lol
I'm a fb fan!
I subscribe via reader!
I follow on twitter - terralj
Drinking lots of lemon tea, chicken soups and watching a ton of movies.
It doesn't sound so bad :)
They decamped to Grandma's!
Jennifer, jennem22 at yahoo dot com
We didn't handle it very well. We all came down sick together and it was awful.
I would love to try this.
:) Thank you for the wonderful giveaway! :)
Luckily I have a wonderful husband that took over when he got home from work. My oldest 2 helped with the 3 year old and lots of not so healthy food and paper plates while i stayed curled up on the couch. Not much fun.
Thank you
I have to take care of the house, pets, ect., even if I'm sick!
I power thru it as best I can, hubby picks up the slack and whatever doesn't get done, I get to when I feel better.
Honestly, the last time we were sick we used Sambucol! It works, so I would love to win some.
themeimlookingfor at yahoo dot com
It was business as usual. The world couldn't stop just because I was feeling bad. Ugh!
I just plan on getting sick so anything is great to boost the immune system! Frozen dinners.. and sandwiches instead of real food
I follow you on twitter
I didn't have a family the last time i was sick, lol. Maybe next winter now that I have a baby.
I made everyone a pot of chicken, potatoes and dumplins :)
We went to the doctor and got meds,rested and ate homemade potatoe soup:)
We took turn taking hot bubble baths & kneeling in front of the toliet.
We all got sick at the same times so they all slep in bed with me & we watch alot of tv & read stories.
I went thur 3 jars of vapor rub in one week!
I subscribe to feed & follow on blogger too!
We were all sick at the same time.
I am a subscriber.
I follow on twitter. (donnak4)
I put your button on my blog.
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