I am a muncher. Honestly, I'd have to list it right at the top of the list if I had to describe my biggest weakness.
Now, what I munch on can obviously be a factor in my never-ending quest to find my waistline again, so I have to make a conscious effort to reach for something sweet but healthy.
That's where Yoplait yogurt comes in. I am not even kidding you when I say that one entire shelf in my refridgerator is, at any given time, completely filled with a variety of Yoplait. This means that when I get the munchies during late night blogging sessions, I can tame the beast and still respect myself in the morning.
I recently got a chance to try the new Yo-Plus Blueberry Acai, which I loved! It's creamy and sweet with live and active probiotic cultures to help regulate your digestive system. Even better, you've also got your fiber, calcium, and vitamins covered when you indulge in a little Yo-Plus. So what's to lose?
If you'd like to enter for one of three chances to win your own Yoplait gift bag containing a (BPA free!) water bottle, a purse-sized journal (great for keeping on track when out and about!), and a coupon to try the new Blueberry Acai, just leave me a comment describing your biggest weakness and how you try to keep yourself in check. And PLEASE remember to leave your email address or I can't contact you to tell you that you have won. Entries will be accepted until midnight (Mountain Time!) on April 23. Good luck!
Additional extra entries are also available if you:
* Become a fan of Berrie Sweet Picks on Facebook
* subscribe to my RSS feed and comment letting me know you did so.
* Blog about contest and link to this post.
* Non-bloggers can email three of their friends about the contest at berriesweet.info (at) gmail (dot) com and CC me on the email. Girl Scout's honor that I will never bother these sweet people. I promise!
* Grab my Berrie Sweet Picks button and place it on your blog page. I'll check!
* Follow me on Twitter! (nickname: berriesweetest)
* Tweet the contest and leave a comment with your username telling me what you said to your "tweeple"!
* Vlog about the contest and post at www.newbaby.com!
Please note all entries MUST include a valid email address to be considered for the drawing! That means that well, all entries must include an email address to be considered valid. Simple enough, right? ;)
My biggest weakness is Coconut Cream Pie. I keep myself in check by only having a small piece if I have an urge. I then make up for it by eating less that day.
My biggest weakness is eating at night. It's so easy to plop down in front of the tv and just munch away. I can combat that by putting my laptop in my lap and it keeps my hands busy. It doesn't always work, but it helps.
tutucuteforme (at) hotmail (dot) com
My biggest weakness is any type of dessert and the only way to keep that in check is to not buy it at all. If its there, I'll be eating it morning, noon and night.
I have a tremendous weakness for chocolate. There are times in life when chocolate is just necessary. I try not to have it too often but when I do I try to keep it to a little square of like Dove or something of that fashion so I feel I have been satisfied but not gone overboard.
msgb245 at gmail dot com
my biggest weakness is saying "no" to my kids more often than I should. I have changed a lot over time, but I still should do better.thanks for asking.
My biggest weakness is chocolate. I try to have fresh fruit on hand instead to satisfy my sweet cravings.
My biggest weakness is dark chocolate. I try not to buy it so it's not in the house. If I do buy it, I only allow myself one small piece at a time (and tell myself it's better for me than milk chocolate.)
I don't think I've ever met a brownie I didn't like!
My biggest weakness is chocolate. I could eat it all day long and forget about the other food groups. :D (and soemtimes do). :) I need Yoplait.
susan wiener,swiener1[at]tampabay.rr.com
My biggest weakness is salty snacks and the way I combat that is not to buy it, or if I do - I buy in a very small package.
My biggest weakness is procrastination. I know I should exercise but I just can't get moving.
Sometimes I try setting a timer on my watch for 5 minutes and telling myself I only have to workout for the five minutes. After the five minutes pass, often I don't want to stop.
My biggest weakness is chocolate. I combat it by storing dove chocolates in the freezer. Since they are too hard to bit in to, I am less likely to overindulge. I take out one each evening to have after dinner.
ssovnej (at) yahoo (dot) com
i love donuts at bakeries. i never ever go within a mile of a bakery. mverno@roadrunner.com
cheesecake is my weakness...but yoplait has new cheesecake flaovrs 100 calories that i love
Chocolate. I try not to buy it.
My biggest weakness is making treats for my son and then licking the bowl! Honestly, EVERYTIME!
Elizabeth Y.
My biggest weakness are sweets, any kind. I try to keep a loy of fruit around to eat wnenever I get the cravings for sweets.
My biggest weakness is chocolate. Anytime I see that it's on sale, I buy it. With the way the economy is going for us right now, we don't have much money to spend on chocolate (I MISS IT!!!), so not being able to buy it has helped immensely!
My biggest weaknesses are tea and coffee but I sweeten them with Stevia which is a natural herbal sweetener (Not that chemical stuff) so thats how I control gaining weight from my habits. Thanks.
My biggest weakness is homemade chocolate chip cookies. I refrain by not leaving them on the counter. Out of sight out of mind. Thank you
My biggest weakness is eating in the middle of the night
My biggest weakness in nachos. I am still trying to learn to keep myself in check
Rice Crrispy treats. I take a small piece and make sure I give whatever is left to anyone around me- or I'll eat it all.
My biggest weakness is from after dinner until I go to bed. I do fine during the day, but for some reason I'm starving and dying to snack all evening!! Maybe I need your trick!
pamelashockley at netscape dot net
My biggest weaknes,without a doubt is chocolate.
My biggest weakness is chocolate -anything chocolate-uggh!
My weakness is chocolate and i think the kids Easter chocolate is missing. MMM good. :) Thank you for the giveaway.
just bought some to day first time tryed it tasted great, will be buying many more.
candy and cookies I don't buy them.
my biggest weakness is ice cream,so i just don't buy it.
My weakness is anything sweet. To combat my sweet tooth, I try to keep fruit on hand. Thanks for the giveaway!
My biggest weakness is Rice Crispy Treats. I could eat the entire pan by myself. I try to make them and then give them away before I eat them all.
My biggest weakness is ice cream, so I don't buy it often--I eat yogurt instead.
My biggest weakness is chips. I can eat just one -- bag. So what I do is when I do buy chips, I put them in baggies so I know when that baggie is eatten I stop snacking. And it works!
jenndiggy at gmail dot com
We live and love yoplait. My little ones love the yogurt and the little yogurt drinks. They are great and easy to travel with. Yoplait makes healthy snacking so accessable for kids!
my biggest weakness is late night snacking! usually wheat thins! I keep myself in check by not allowing myself anythign after 9pm and eating a good sized dinner
My biggest weakness is Blackberry or Rhubarb Pie!! I have to NOT buy them so I wont eat em. Thanks for the chance.
My biggest weakness: sweet treats (big surprise). Cookies, cakes, candies, you-name-it. I keep my cravings in check by treating myself to fancy mineral water. A little bit indulgent, but I feel satisfied every time! Thanks for the chance to win such a great prize. (krstrpp at hotmail dot com)
My biggest weakness is ice cream.
I try to keep yogurt on hand, to grab when I get the urge for ice cream.
luckyme51 (at) sbcglobal dot net
Oh i agree....Im a muncher...while hanging out with friends I love to nibble on chips and dips...mmmmmmm
my biggest weakness is anything with a coffee flavor to it. Drinks, ice cream, etc.
I love dark chocolate mousse !!!!
My biggest weakness is my daughter and the only way I keep myself in check is when I am broke
eating late at night is my biggest weakness, i swear i think taco bell stole the idea of fourthmeal from me
The afternoon slump is the hardest for me. I get hungry and sleepy and so I just have a small healthy snack at the ready all the time and it usually prevents me from eating something bad.
I subscribed to your RSS feed.
My biggest weakness is stress eating. I need to get out and walk instead of eat and I am starting to do that with my daughter.
My biggest weakness is chocolate. I try to just eat small amounts.
My biggest weakness would have to be anything with peanut butter and chocolate - i have to keep myself from not being candies at the store "for the kids" cause i will eat them all
My biggest weakness is plain,salted potato chips.I can never eat just one.Thanks!
My biggest weakness is my sweet tooth. I have been trying to control it though. Thanks for the chance
My biggest weakness is ice cream. i try to not buy it but it calls out to me.
My biggest weakness is doing too much and staying up too late. I try to take at least 20 minutes of downtime each night. As for food.. It's Pepsi.. caffiene & sugar = awake!
My biggest weakness is Gilles Marini; I do not know how to curtail this.
My biggest weakness is chocolate, hands down.
Cheesecake is my biggest weakness.
I used to buy an entire cheescake, and eat the whole thing by myself.
Now, I only eat is as a special treat.
My biggest weakness is any baked good. I keep it in check by not having much of a clue about how to bake. Thank you.
I eat too much at night, and it's always junk, never fruits or vegetables like I know I should be eating.
My biggest weakness is baked goods!
I tweeted your giveaway! (My Twitter name is @ThriftyJinxy)
my biggest weakness is pizza - can't seem to break the habit
Starbucks. I try to have instant coffee at home, but I often fail. Thanks for the chance
One of my big weaknesses is dessert. So I try to keep healthier options in the house.
I can not stay away from Chocolate and living alone I never have anyone to share it with so i eat it all when i buy it
It's sweets..and it's hard. I just limit how much I can eat.
charisscharity [at] yahoo [dot] com
my biggest weakness is fast food and I keep it in check by just driving past the fast food places and not even entering the shoppping centers where they are located.
madamerkf at aol dot com
Weakness- anything from the bakery, to keep in check try not to bring it into the house but that isn't always easy, well you know what I mean I'm sure. skyxsky27(at)gmail.com
subscribed by RSS feed. skyxsky27(at)gmail.com
blogged- http://skyxsky27.blogspot.com/2009/04/yoplait-gift-bag-giveaway.html
tweeted- id- skyxsky27
Win a Yoplait gift bag that has lots of goodies(Bag, journal, water bottle and FREE product cpn at http://www.berriesweetpicks...
My biggest weakness is soda. I'm soda free right now and hoping to stay that way. What kept me in check is that I don't want to be Diabetic. I drink it only occasionally now, like when we go to a party or out to eat.
My biggest weakness is sugar. Anything with sugar. I try to keep healthy snacks around to curb my sugar cravings. Thanks for the giveaway. michele3873[at]msn[dot]com
My biggest weakness is ice cream. I try to overcome this weakness by buying Yoplait yogurt instead. So far it's working. I jus waltz right by the ice cream.
My weakness is candy
My biggest weakness is cheese! I deal with it by buying really good cheese and savoring the much smaller portions!
My biggest weakness is food all kinds of food and all times of the day.I just love food.
My biggest weakness: hmmm, since having gastric bypass surgery, not too much anymore. Trying to keep on the right track though with healthy foods, like this!
My biggest weakness is brownies. I could eat them all day. I try to limit myself by baking them every other month only.
My biggest weakness is Chocolate, I eat a little bit every now and then so I dont go insane. (:
Thanks for the chance, I`ll be crossing my fingers!!!!
shaw(dot)collin(at)gmail(dot)com (p
My biggest weakness is that I can't seem to stay away from junk food. Thankfully, I like to exercise to combat the negative effects. Thanks!
My biggest weakness is chocolate. I have some organic dark available but it's so high in cocoa that you can only eat a little.
My biggest weakness is eating at night and getting hungry watching food shows and commercials.
My biggest weakness is binge eating when I am depressed!
I binge out on choclate until I get sick.
I have been trying to eat some yogurt instead & started walking.
I subscribe!
My biggest weakness is ice cream and I keep it in che j by always having yogurt in the fridge. It works most of the time.
My biggest weakness is chocolate! I try not to keep too much of it in our house so that way I'm not too tempted by it!
My biggest weakness is snacking at work. We are only allowed hard candy or snacks from the vending machine while we are at our desks. Vending machine snacks are notoriously unhealthy but I have a hard time making myself walk past without getting something.
I subscribe in google reader.
I follow on Twitter. User name willitara.
Turkey/mayo/avocado/provolone on whole wheat bread after everyone goes to bed!!! Shame on me,bad mommy.
My biggest weakness is spending too much time on the Internet. I try to keep myself in check by reminding myself of the other things I need to do.
I became your Facebook fan.
My biggest weakness hands down is ice cream. Just about any kind. I just have to refrain from buying it when I grocery shop.
donna at optilink dot us
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