There's something to be said for the transformation that takes place when you become a parent.
All of the "I'll never's" go right out the window the moment you hold your newborn,suddenly replaced with all of the "I will do anything for you's". And all that baby and kiddie stuff that you really thought had no reason to exist except to make you laugh? Well, that thinking is also replaced with a sudden understanding for all things soft and comforting.
Take the Zaky by Zakeez, for example. I have a very distinct memory of laughing my head off at the thought of an infant pillow shaped like a hand when I happened across it online during my pre-pregnancy days. Ask Sweeter (that would be the hubby) and he'll tell you that he laughed even harder when I sent him the link.
And the price? They certainly don't come cheap at $49.95 for one or $79.90 for a set.
Yeah, that brought on the laughter-induced tears. Why would anyone in their right mind buy a HAND for their baby? And an expensive one, at that?
Can you say "freaky"??
But then Buttercup was born, and suddenly it all made sense. Sure, the thing still does look a little weird, but now that I'm a mom, I'm no longer laughing.
Here's the deal: The Zaky is an ergonomic infant pillow used in NICU's across the country.
It's designed to have the scent of mom (just sleep with it or add a teensy dab of your signature fragrance) for extra bonding points.
Yes, I know you are still stuck on the fact that it's a hand, but really, even Sweeter stopped laughing when he realize its benefits.
Originally designed to comfort premature babies during their long hospital stays, the Zaky is an ingenious way to calm babies because it was invented to mimic the size and weight of your hand and forearm by--who else???--a mother of a long-term NICU baby. (See how it is all starting to make sense now?) And don't worry about baby's sensitive skin; the Zaky is hypoallergenic, breathable, and fully washable.
Now, Buttercup didn't receive hers from Mom4Life until she was about 4 months old, and is not now, nor never has been a stuffed-animal kind of baby, but there were plenty of times where I was able to help her settle back to sleep by positinong the Zaky under her arm. Instead of reaching for my fingers, she was able to get the comfort she needed by wrapping her entire hand around a single Saky finger. If I had been brave enough to smap a photo in the dark and chance waking her up, I totally would have.
Instead, I searched through my photos and found the image above, which I think is the only one I have of her with the ZAky while awake.
There are way to many other benefits to list, but they include the chance for working parents to stay connected with their kids, for grandparents to send a little bit of love from far away, and it would make a great baby shower gift.
Now, I only have one, and Buttercup is fine with that. There are some great tips here on what might work for you, but I have had no problem with one since the beginning.
The Zaky is available from Mom4Life in blue, pink, and flesh color. I got pink. The flesh weirded me out.
Now for the best part! Mom4Life is offering one lucky reader the opportunity to snag one Zaky in the colo of their choice! This is perfect for my preggers readers, or those with friends or loved ones who have a little bundle on the way. Entries from US resident only, please.
To be considered for the random drawing, visit Mom4Life and leave me a berrie (read: comment) telling me which other product you'd love to see reviewed. One extra entry is available if you decide to choose one of the following:
* subscribe to my RSS feed and comment letting me know you did so (new subscribers only!)
* Add my button to your sidebar and comment (I'll check!).
* Blog about the contest and link to the giveaway.
* Non-bloggers can email three of their friends about the contest and CC me on the email. Girl Scout's honor that I will never bother these sweet people. I promise!
* Grab my button and place it on your sidebar, linking to Berrie Sweet Picks.
* Follow me on Twitter! (nickname: berriesweetest)
Please note that non-bloggers MUST include a valid email address to be considered for the drawing!
I'll pick one name at midnight (EST) on Aug. 26 and post their name to PRIZEYWinners and on my left-hand sidebar. The winner has four days from the announcement date to contact me, or an alternate winner will be chosen.
More good news! Mom4life is also offering my readers a 10 percent discount on orders through the end of September with code "berriesweet"! But make sure to enter the code into the coupon box on the left side of the homepage for it to apply to your order.
See you soon with another berrie sweet review and contest!
I would love to see that Suzy pack reviewed... cute item! and for 70$ that isn't bad!
And I am a Twitter-by friend :)
The Downtime Sleepy Hat looks funny and great! I would love to see that on a baby other than the one in the picture. It is so cute.
rosesaremyfavorite at hotmail dot com
Oh, I would love this! Having triplets, I can't always get to all three when they're upset to comfort them... Unfortunately, it's too expensive for me to buy, so I just HAVE to win it!! I'd also like to see if the Baby Goga Baby Bottle and Baby Food Warmer works. That would come in so handy. Now when I'm out and about I have to crank the car to plug my car bottle warmer in.
Elasticity Belly Oil by Belli Pregnancy would be my pick.
The suzy pack
I would like to see the Baby Light & Clip Lighted Safety Nail Clippers reviewed.
I love the The Madeline Baby Girl Shoe by Mia Joie.
I'm following you on Twitter.
SN: HilLesha
Suzy pack
I would like to see Making Me The Pregnancy Activity Book for My Big Brother or Sister by Motherly Way reviewed! Thanks!
I'd like to see the Moby Wrap reviewed. I can't live without mine and I'd love others to know how great it is.
I would love to see the Mini Night Light for Youngsters by Mommy Bee Happy or the Twilight Turtle Plush Constellation Nightlight by Cloud B reviewd.
I would like the Cozy Cocoon Baby Body Sock-Sweet Pea to be reviewed. I also have to say the downtime sleepy hat is sooo cute.
I like the Downtime Sleepy Hat
Rileyroos Jakester Flexible Shoes for Boys
tvollowitz at aol dot com
I'd love to see the Moby Wrap...have always wanted to try one! Thanks!!
I don't think you're pregnant, but I'd love to see the Bamboo Maternity Mix-It Dress by Rockstarmoms. Wow, what versitilty! It looks great! Review it, and let me win it!
I'd get the nursing PJ dress, for when #2 comes.
I'd love for you to review the Potty Hammock. Mom4Life is such a great store. I've purchase a Razberry Teether...and love it!
I have your button on my sidebar!
Suzy pack. :)
I'd love a review on the ITZBEEN™ Baby Care Timer by Coast Innovations- I'd like to know if its as easy to use as they claim! :)
I'd be interested in reading a review of the Twilight Turtle Constellation Nightlight.
The Adiri Natural Nurser would be a great review. I've been wondering how well they actually work. Thanks!
I've but your button on my sidebar. Thanks!
Mini Night Light for Youngsters should be reviewed
Please review the Ultimate Water Resistent Throw! Sound great for ballgames in the Fall!!
I subscribed to your RSS feed Thankyou!! Love your website.
Mini Night Light for Youngsters is my choice
Cozy Cocoon Baby Body Sock-Sweet Pea
I would like to hear more about the The Babykeeper For Public Restrooms by Mommysentials.
I'd like to see the supersoft shopping cart cover reviewed
The Babybonkie swaddling wrap! click contact
I think the Twilight Turtle Plush Constellation Nightlight by Cloud B is absolutely darling, but I'd love to read an independent review of it. (Hope you didn't already do one and I missed it!)
Would love to see the suzy pack reviewed.
The Zaky is a great idea!! I would like theBaby Light & Clip Lighted Safety Nail Clippers reviewed!!
I'm also a big fan of the Moby Wrap....don't know how I'd get around without it! Thanks for a cool contest!
The Infant Towel by Yikes Twins in Bear design is so cute. I would love to give it to my nephew. Makes bath time a play time, too.
i would love to see a review for the The Peanut Shell Reversible Flip Baby Sling by Goo-ga. its so cute but I am pretty clueless when it comes to slings.
Breast Soother by SmartChoices my DD will be breast feeding in jan. i wish i had these-sure could have used them! as far as the hands thats prety neat and different! thanx
I would love to see this product reviewed: Flo Water Deflector, Faucet Protector & Bubble Bath Dispenser by Boon
Mom 4 Life is a great store!
I have always been interested in the inflatable toddler bed rails.
onlycancan at hotmail dot com
Hi, The "Twilight Ladybug" and "Twilight Turtle Plush Constellation Nightlight are two items I would like to see reviewed. Please enter me in your drawing. Many thanks, Cindi
i think your babysparewear mini makeover should be reviewed.
Inflatable bed rails. I keep wondering if they are sturdy enough.
I am curious about My Little Seat. It looks handy! The Jackaboo BabySit, too.
I'd love to see the slings evaluated against each other!
The Potty Hammock...thanks!
Hi again...have you on my sidebar at
Rileyroos Jakester Flexible Shoes for Boys.
I love the Twilight Turtle Plush Constellation Nightlight and would like to see it reviewed!
I would be interested in hearing about the Moby Wrap
ce613 at hotmail
G Diapers please-
OnTray 2 Go please and those teething necklaces :)
duck feathers
I'd like to know more about the potty hammock. (in the midst of potty training our toddler) I love these pillows and would be thrilled to win for our wee one due this winter. Thanks!
cbeargie (at) yahoo (dot) com
Moby Wrap
The Tait Baby Boy Shoes by Mia Joie, these look cute! I'm not sure if they're made well though? Great contest! I'd LOVE to win the blue one for my son due in October!!!!
I would like to see the Baby K'tan Baby Carrier reviewed. This looks very interesting and I would be curious to see how it worked. Thans for a great giveaway!
I'd like to see the Tee Pee for Me
reviewed. Can a kid put it up by themselves?
I would like the Cozy Cocoon Baby Body Sock-Sweet Pea to be reviewed.
Thanks for the chance to win such a great prize!
I have your button on my blog :)
I would love to see the Flo Water Deflector, Faucet Protector & Bubble Bath Dispenser by Boon! Thanks!
I've seen a lot of reviews on Boon's feeding products, but I'd love to see a review of their Flo.
beccachristensen at hotmail dot com
Tell me about the Tee Pee for Me!
I would love to see a review of Kangaroo Bath Towel by Small Made Simple. I am wondering if this would be awkward to use. Thanks for the great giveaway
What an amazing site- I must place an order! I love their selection of barrettes! I think you should review the medibottle- it's ingenious!! Having a sick child we are constantly having to mix meds with formula and then not having him drink it all. We finally found preemie bottles that are only 2 ounces so their easier to finish and you don't have to fill them up too much. Syringes are the most accurate way to measure and I see way too many parents measuring incorrectly and thereby overdosing or underdosing their child. I must stock up on some. Btw, we saw the Zaky in use in the ICU it's such a nice product and there are mothers that sleep with it the night before they give it to their baby so that their baby can have their scent.
aahaft at gmail dot com
The downtime sleepy hate it cute.
i would like to see the Mini Night Light for Youngsters by Mommy Bee Happy reviewed
I love Mom 4 Life!!
I would love to see a reveiw of the downtime sleepy hats. That one is a little freakier looking than the Zaky! But, I wonder if it really works...
I have been wanting a Zaky... I hope I win! And, I would want it in flesh!
I have a baby on the way andI think the BurpCatcher Pocket Burp Cloth would be a great review, because it's a great and useful product!
kenzkween at hotmail dot com
I have your button in my sidebar!!
kenzkween at hotmail dot com
I would love to see the Small & Large Body Hugger Pillow by Cuddoozle have a review. They look very helpful. Thank you.
I would love to see a review on the Goin' Cozy Shopping Cart Cover. I have always wanted one of these but wondered if they really are easy to use. Thanks for the great contest.
Elasticity Belly Oil would be great but I have to say, I'd be thrilled to win a Zaky! They look really great!!!
I would like to see the Flo Water Deflector, Faucet Protector & Bubble Bath Dispenser by Boon reviewed.
=) melanie
melanieadey at hotmail dot com
I have your button on my blog.
=) melanie
melanieadey at hotmail dot com
I would love to see the Cuskiboo bamboo baby comforter.
Honestly I would have wanted a review on the Zaky. Been wondering how good they were.. My dd is having surgery when she is 6 months old (only 2 now so a few months to go) and I'm thinking this might be the ticket after your review... Otherwise, perhaps the ToddlerCoddler Head & Neck Car Support for all the traveling we do for my older son of course... wiicked13 [at] yahoo [dot] com
I would like to see the Tee Pee for Me reviewed! Thanks Melissa Sciandra
Please review the Ultimate Water Resistent Throw!
Thank you.
I would like to see the Suzy pack reviewed.
I'd like to see a review of the Baby Light & Clip Lighted Safety Nail Clippers
tiramisu392 (at)
A review of the Peanut Shell Reversible Flip Baby Sling by Goo-ga would be good.
I think the Time Out Spot Discipline Rugs should be reviewed. Would be interested in if they worked. I'd like to win one of these in pink.
The Teepee for me, thank you.l Icetwofire[at]aol[dot]com
The suzy pack,thanks.
I would like to see the baby pouch and the baby sling reviewed so that I would finally know the difference.
Restore Me™ After-Baby Bath Tea
I've never heard anyone talk about the Flo for the bathtub. It looks so cool.
I would like the Cozy Cocoon Baby Body Sock-Sweet Pea to be reviewed.
The Suzy Pack looks cool. I recommend you review it.
The Downtime Sleepy Hat
My niece is due in a few days, this would be a very unique gift for her lol
I would like to see you review the Cozy Cocoon Baby Body Sock
There is always room for a Suzy pack review - thanks for sharing so much! Love your stories!
Anything called a "Downtime Sleepy Hat" deserves a review!
You should review the Honest Baby tshirts. Those are so much fun.
I'd love to see the Baby K'tan baby carrier reviewed! :)
I like the kangaroo bath towel and I'm interested in how useful it really is. It looks like something I'd wonder how I lived without so I'd like to see it reviewed.
I love the Bundleboo Baby Carrier & the Mini Moby Wrap :)
I really like The Madeline Baby Girl Shoe by Mia Joie.
i love the Yogaland!-The Australian Adventure DVD
I would love to see the Suzy Pack reviewed!
I would love to see the Baby Light & Clip Lighted Safety Nail Clippers reviewed-I would love to know if it is worth the money.
I love the the Madeline shoe by Mia Joie
Belli oil sounds great.
very interested in the cuskiboo bamboo baby comforter. name is interesting. this would be perfect for mommy & baby to cuddle together in.
The moby wrap would be great.
Moby wrap
The dwink Box Holder For All Drink Boxes looks useful; I would like to know if it really is.
carissaad at aol dot com
I subscribed.
I'd like to see all the nursing covers reviewed and a raqating on all of them.
Downtime Sleepy Hat!! Tell us more about that! I love learning about new baby products as I am first time preggo I want it all but unfortunatly won't be able to afford it ALL!! Thanks for the chance!!!
Twilight Turtle Plush Constellation Nightlight by Cloud B
i'd like to see the teepee for me in a review.
i have hte downtim sleepy hat and it takes some work to keep them from pullin it off :)
I'd like to see a review of the Mini Moby Wrap to see if little girl's really like it.
Moby Wrap would be great to read about. Someone told me it was great but have been afraid to spend the money.
I love the Child's Towel by Yikes Twins!
Flo Water Deflector, Faucet Protector & Bubble Bath Dispenser by Boon
How about jogging strollers? That's a good item to review.
Kangaroo bath towel looks interesting.
I would like the Cozy Cocoon Baby Body Sock-Sweet Pea to be reviewed.
Thanks for the opportunity to be a winner!
I'd love to know more about the Boon Flair high chair
jasonncaryn at yahoo dot com
I emailed you my info. So excited!
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