Here's a nasty little eco-tidbit for ya: Did you know that only 20 percent of the plastic water bottles consumed by Americans get recycled?
And I'm no angel. I just ordered a reusable water bottle and am eagerly awaiting it in the mail. But up until I got smacked upside the head with the tree-hugger stick a few months back, I was tossing water bottles in the garbage left and right.
And that's bad. I know. Not only are a disturbing number of plastic water bottles ending up in landfills, the ones getting tossed are made crude oil, which is just plain bad.
One company is making a difference and I wholeheartedly support their cause. I just received a few single serve Primo water bottles for review, and am so happy to share this information with you all.
Primo may look like a regular plastic bottle, but the beauty of it is that they are made from Ingeo. a plant-based natural-plastic that is a 100 percent renewable grown in the United States!
If all traditional plastic water bottles were replaced with Primo bottles, American would save the equivelant of a billion gallons of gas each year! And to add to its eco-appeal, Primo bottles are more envrionmentally efficient, requiring 65 percent LESS fossil fuel resources and emitting 80-90 percent LESS greenhouse gases than traditional petroleum-based bottles.
Not convinced yet? Want to know how it tastes? Well, while certain people (like my husband) might say, "It's what?" I say that this stuff tastes great!
But keep in mind that in order for Primo bottles to actually do good for the environment, we need to do our part and recycle them!
And thanks to the good peeps at Primo, TEN lucky winners will get an 18-pack of bottles valued at $4.99 to try for themselves! That's right: TEN!
To be considered for the random drawing, leave me a berrie (read: comment) after watching this video telling me what you thought about the Primo process. One extra entry is available if you decide to choose one of the following:
* subscribe to my RSS feed and comment letting me know you did so (new subscribers only!)
* Add my button to your sidebar and comment (I'll check!).
* Blog about the contest and link to the giveaway.
* Non-bloggers can email three of their friends about the contest and CC me on the email. Girl Scout's honor that I will never bother these sweet people. I promise!
* Grab my button and place it on your sidebar, linking to Berrie Sweet Picks.
* Follow me on Twitter! (nickname: berriesweetest)
Please note that non-bloggers MUST include a valid email address to be considered for the drawing!
I'll pick TEN names at midnight (EST) on Aug. 5 and post their names to PRIZEYWinners. The winner has four days from the announcement date to contact me, or an alternate winner will be chosen.
And for those interested in where to buy, click here!
See you soon with another review!